London Boy

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Taylor was three months pregnant, and Taylor and Travis mutually decided that they were going to officially announce their pregnancy by going in public with Taylor's bump showing. "Do you think this blue shirt or this black shirt would look better?", an indecisive Taylor asked, her left hand automatically flying to her bump. "Hmm, I think the black one shows the bump better honestly", Travis said, wrapping his arms around her, his hands landing on her baby bump. "Ok, I'll wear the black one then", Taylor agreed, laying her head back slightly to be closer to Travis. "How are you feeling?", Travis asked, stroking the bump softly. "I'm feeling better. I think all the morning sickness I'm getting today is going to be in the actual morning", she said, stepping away from his warm embrace and taking her shirt off to put the black one on. 

"You're right, babe. The black one really does show off the bump", Taylor agreed. 

"Mommy, I'm tiwed", Archer complained as he walked, holding onto Taylor's hand. "Oh, so do you need a nap?", Taylor asked, knowing what his reaction would be. "No, I'm not tiwed anymore", Archer defended. "It's ok bud. I'll carry you", Travis offered, scooping the boy up with his left arm while he held onto Taylor's hand with the other. Taylor gave him a smile, Travis returning the smile. 

She placed her hand on her belly to look more convincing. 

Suddenly, Joe approached her on the street. Her hand gripped Travis's even tighter. "What is it baby?", Travis asked, seeing fear creep onto her face. But it was soon explained by itself when Travis saw Joe approaching. "He's bad news", Travis muttered, his defensive mode immediately activated. "Why hello there Taylor", Joe said as if they were old friends. "What do you want,... Joe", Travis said, holding back his words because Archer was listening. "Hi buddy", Joe said, patting Archer's back. This scared Archer so he ducked his head to hide in Travis's neck, clinging to him. "Archer, it's me, you're daddy", Joe pleaded. "No, he's my daddy", Archer defended, pointing to Travis before returning his head to safety. Travis felt so good inside by what Archer said but knew that he couldn't let his guard down. "Joe, leave please", Taylor pleaded, Travis just noticing her beautiful blue eyes were watering up. "No, I have a right to see my son", Joe defended, trying to convince Archer to come to him. But Archer was persistent, and even if Archer wanted to see his dad, Travis wouldn't let him. "Joe, you have a restraining order. If you don't leave immediately I'll call the police on you", warned Travis. "Whatever. I'm just here to talk to Taylor. Alone", Joe said, narrowing his eyes at Travis. "No, I won't allow it", Travis said, towering over Joe. "Trav, it's fine", she sniffled, wiping away a loose tear. "See, she still loves me more than you", Joe whispered. "Joe, stop. If you want to have a civil, adult conversation then I'm all for it, but if you're going to be a child about all of this then I might as well get in the car and go home. Understood?", Taylor asked, meaning it. Joe nodded. 

Travis pretended to be minding his own business with Archer, but he was continually glancing in Taylor and Joe's direction. If he came any closer to her than four feet, he'd for sure beat that punk up. 

"Make it fast", was all Taylor said, putting a hand on her bump. "Look Taylor, I still love you and I know I messed up. But surely I'm better than Travis. He looks like he could crush a car. He might hurt you", Joe said. "Wow. You think he might hurt me? Are you insane? You've thrown me against the wall, punched me while I was pregnant, thrown things at me in front of a child, and that's all I'll say though I could say more. This obviously isn't going anywhere so I'm going to get going now", Taylor said, but Joe grabbed her wrists tight. "Let go", she said in a commanding voice. "If you take me back now, I might even accept that little accident you've got going on there", Joe said. Travis was already on his way over, Archer buckled in the locked car playing games on Travis's phone. 

"Let go of my girlfriend", Travis said, taking her into his arms after he pulled her hands out of Joe's grasp. "Don't you dare call my baby an 'accident' ever again", she stormed, glaring at Joe, hugging Travis's torso tight, feeling safe and secure now. "Are you ok?", Travis asked Taylor as she took in his familiar smell. "Yeah", she said softly. "Can we go?", Taylor whispered. "Yeah. Hey dick-wad, since I actually love Taylor I'm going to listen to he and we're going to head out. Displeasure talking to you", Travis said, taking Taylor's hand as they walked to the car.

That night, dinner was a quiet occasion except for Archer talking nonstop per usual. It felt like they'd said a million 'wows' and 'thats cools', to Archer in one dinner alone. Travis kept giving Taylor the 'are you ok' look during dinner. She would nod and give him a half smile, squeezing Travis's hand that lay on her thigh softly. 

"I'll put Archer to sleep. You get ready for bed, ok baby?", Travis asked an out-of-it Taylor. "Mhmm, thanks", she mumbled, heading upstairs. "Let's get you in bed, Arch", Travis said to the boy who was sitting on the ground playing with trucks. "Noo", Archer whined. "Yes", Travis stated, picking up the wiggly boy. "But I'm not tiwed", he howled. "Yes you are", Travis corrected, the stress of a winy toddler not what he needed right now. 

"What PJs do you want to wear tonight?", Travis asked, knowing the answer was going to be trucks. "Twucks", Archer answered. "Good choice". Travis undressed the boy, pulling up a pull up on him. Archer was for the most part potty trained but at night he usually still wet himself, so Taylor had him in a pull up for nights only.  

Travis sat in Archer's navy blue rocking chair, Archer perched on his lap while Travis read Archer from his favorite truck book. "The end", Travis finished, shutting the book and laying it on the side table. "Again", Archer procrastinated. "Not tonight. Tomorrow though", Travis said, picking up the sleepy boy and tucking him in his toddler bed. "Tan Mommy kiss me goodnight?", Archer asked. "The baby is making Mommy feel sick tonight, but you'll see her in the morning", Travis said, wiping the curls out of Archer's face. "Otay. Tan you tell her goodnight for me?", Archer asked, yawning. "Of course I'll tell her. Now go to sleep and I'll make chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast tomorrow". "Yummy", Archer mumbled sleepily, his eyelids becoming heavy. "Goodnight bud, love you", Travis whispered, kissing his forehead. 

Walking to the door, Travis could faintly hear Archer say, "goodnight daddy". 

I thought that was a good way to end the chapter<3. I've heard some comments that some people want more oneshots where Taylor and Travis don't have any kids or aren't pregnant, so I'll start working on some of those in the near future. Thanks for reading and don't forget to comment or vote!<3

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