Four's Company pt.2

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The scene Taylor saw when she went downstairs was chaos. Rhett was chasing a pantsless Hadley around with a toy sword, Lucy yelling at Rhett to stop taunting his younger sister. The couch pillows were scattered around the house, one of them leaking feathers because one of Travis's dogs had chewed a hole in it. 

Benjamin and Olivia were pawing at the pillow's remains, overreacting whenever a feather flew towards them. Both cats were covered in feathers. 

The dogs had moved onto bigger and better things than chewing up pillows, so they joined Rhett in the chase of Hadley around the house, barking along as they thought it was a game. The only being in the room who appeared to have caused no harm was the eldest, Lucy.

"Enough!", yelled Taylor.

Rhett immediately stopped chasing Hadley and the cats scurried from the pillow, spreading feathers even further.

The only thing that didn't stop at Taylor's authoritative call was the dogs. They still thought the game was going on, so they chased Hadley, thinking they had won. Hadley, being only 3, stubled, hitting her head on the corner of the fireplace. 

Hadley sat there for a minute. Time seemed to stop. Her baby had just hit her head on the sharp fireplace. 

Hadley's lower lip quivvered, Taylor rushing to her side. 

"Oh baby!", Taylor exclaimed, clutching the girl to her chest. 

"Mommy, is she ok?", asked a concerned Lucy. 

"Mommy!", exclaimed Rhett, traumatized. 

Taylor felt her heart beat fast, her breathing becoming fast paced. She couldn't let herself panic now; her kids needed her. 

"Lucy, get your brother to the car. Help buckle him and make sure you both have your shoes on.  I'll meet you guys there", Taylor instructed, her mama instincts kicking in. 

Lucky nodded, fear in her eyes. She took her brother's hand, leading him to the garage. 

"Mama", cried Hadley. 

"Shh, you're ok baby girl", Taylor got Purple Blankie for Hadley, the girl cuddling into it. Taylor pulled Hadley's pull-up back on, grabbing the toddler's leggings.

Taylor got her shoes on, stroking her daughter's hair as she rushed to the car. 

Taylor felt a bump forming on the little girl's head, but what concerned her the most was a wet substance on her hand. 

She looked at her hand and saw red blood.

"Shit, shit, shit", muttered Taylor, buckling her daughter into her carseat. She kissed Hadley's head, instructing her not to fall asleep in case she had a concussion.

Just as Taylor had asked, Rhett and Lucy had their shoes on and were buckled into their carseats. 

"Hey Rhett and Lucy? I'm going to call Daddy, so can you two try to keep it down back there?", Taylor asked, trying to remain cool. She felt a panic attack coming on, but her mom instincts were stronger and she managed to back out of the driveway and head towards the hospital. 

Taylor held her phone up to her ear as she heard the ringing, glancing at the screen that showed the backseat. She saw poor Hadley's little eyes beginning to droop. 

"Lucy, I need you to keep Hadley entertained so she doesn't fall asleep", said Taylor, waiting for Travis to pick up. 

"But why?", Lucy asked. 

Taylor had a minivan, so Lucy saw in the middle row along with Hadley so she could take care of her if needed. Rhett was all by himself in the very back but would soon be joined by Hadley when the new baby was born.

"Lucy James, listen to me and just keep your sister awake. Please", Taylor said firmly. She knew that Lucy wasn't trying to be difficult, but in this urgent situation, she just needed Lucy to do what she was told. 

Lucy nodded, starting a little conversation with Hadley to keep her awake.

Travis picked up. "What's up baby?", Travis asked in high spirits.

"Travis", Taylor said in a choked voice. She could feel her panic rising. 

"Woah, what's wrong baby?".

"It's Hadley", Taylor began, sniffling as she tried to calm herself down. But the sound alone of her loving husband's voice was enough.

"Is she ok?", Travis asked in a concerned voice. 

"The kids are in the car with me. But the dogs knocked Hadley into the fireplace. Her head's bleeding, Trav", Taylor said, crying quietly so her kids didn't see. 

"Oh, honey. I'm on my way. What hospital?", Travis asked, Taylor could hear him stand up from his desk on the other end of the phone. 

"KU", she answered. 

"I'll meet you there. Hey, you've got this mama. I love you", Travis said. 

"Love you too", she said, hanging up.

Thanks for reading! I'll have part 3 out sometime soon!<3 

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