In A World Of Boys He's A Gentleman pt.5

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"You've got it", encouraged Travis.

"Trav, I think I might be pregnant", she said, sobbing full force now.

"P..please d..o..o..n't go", she hiccuped, clutching his neck, a bit too tight.

Travis was in shock. Ever since she met Travis, she had decided not to sleep with her clients, refusing her service. Her boss was about to fire her for this, so she quit before that could be on her permanent record.

So if she was pregnant, that would have meant she was pregnant without knowing it this whole time.

"Shh", he soothed, loosening her grip on his neck, kissing her cheek multiple times as a tear welled up in his eyes.

Of course, if she was pregnant, he wouldn't let that change anything for him and Taylor. He would at least offer to help raise the baby, but he knew that the main burden would biologically fall on Taylor. Travis was well aware that this baby couldn't be his biologically because he and Taylor hadn't had sex yet.

"I'm not going anywhere", Travis whispered, just loud enough for her to hear, holding her as her body racked with sobs.

It broke Travis's heart to hear the woman he loved sob with such deep sadness.

Taylor had calmed down a little more after 15 minutes of crying.

She pulled her head out of his neck, laying her head lower on Travis's neck.

She sighed. "I understand if you feel like leaving", she said quietly, playing with the hem of Travis's shirt as she sniffled, a few stray tears still falling from her blue eyes.

"I'm not leaving you Taylor. I love you and I wouldn't leave you for the world. I promise. And if you are pregnant I'll stay and help raise the baby. I'll go to all of your appointments. I love you Taylor", he said, a tear running down his cheek.

"Oh Travis", said Taylor emotionally. "I love you too", she said.

Travis smiled, temporarily being distracted than the looming news of a possible pregnancy.

"Come here baby girl", he said, tilting her head up with his finger under chin, pressing his lips to hers.

They pulled away, pressing their foreheads together.

"Do you have a test?", asked Travis gently, kissing her temple.

Taylor nodded.

"Are you ready to take it?", he asked.

Taylor shook her head no.

"Come on Tay. I'll be there with you the whole time", he said, looking into her now redish-blue eyes.

"Promise?", she rasped.

"I promise baby", he said, gently wiping the remaining tears away with his thumb while combing through the hair that stuck to her face from tears.

Taylor nodded. "Ok", she said with a wobbly voice.

Taylor slowly sat up, Travis following her while she squeezed his hand.

She peed on the stick, welcoming Travis back into the bathroom.

She clutched his middle, eyes squeezed tight as she turned away from the looming tests while a three minute timer was set on her phone.

"Tay baby?", he asked.

She hummed in response.

"I just wanted you to know that no matter what these tests says, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. I don't care what my family will say about me doing this, I'm going to stay with you. I'll even be a father to your baby if you'd allow me to. I know there is a shame showing up to OB appointments alone, so I'd be happy to go with you and you can tell them I'm the father", he said, holding Taylor's face in both of his hands.

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