In A World Of Boys He's A Gentleman pt.6

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"I can't look", she mumbled with her eyes shut, the test still turned away from them.

"Open your eyes beautiful. Let's see if we get to have a baby or not", he said. Travis was trying to change Taylor's mindset to thinking having a baby was a positive thing. And in reality, it is a positive thing, but life gets messy and situations make it hard. For instance, Taylor probably didn't know who the biological father was. For all Taylor knew, he could be a 40 year old man who was married and that made Travis want to punch him in the balls. Travis was trying to see the benefits if she was pregnant, but even he found it hard to remain positive.

"Ok", she said a shaky voice.

"Want me to count for you?", he asked, kissing her wet, salty cheek.

Taylor nodded, leaning on Travis. If Travis let go of her, she would mostly likely fall down.

"I love you sweetheart. Ok, three, two, one", said Travis, anxious himself for the results.

Taylor turned the test before her eyes.

A plus.

She was knocked up with a man whom she didn't even know's baby.

She felt her lip quiver. Taylor let out a choked, loud sob.

"Oh, come here sweetheart. It's going to be ok", Travis comforted, putting his own emotions aside, but he felt a few of his own tears escape.

Travis sat on the tiled bathroom floor, pulling Taylor to straddle his lap. He hugged her middle, kissing her all over.

She let out panicked sobs. "I'm so scared Travis. Help me", she breathed out, sobbing.

"Oh, sweetie. I'm not going anywhere. I know it's not all your fault. You didn't mean to get pregnant", he said. "Honestly, kicking the biological father in the balls right now sounds so therapeutic", he said, making a joke to help ease the mood.

Taylor let out a small laugh but the small moment of humor soon returned to sadness.

"Let's go somewhere more comfortable sweetheart", suggested Travis, picking her up, holding her up with both arms under her butt while she wrapped her legs around his torso like a koala.

Taylor didn't respond, only paused for a breath.

Travis turned the bathroom light off, putting all three tests in his pocket and turning the bathroom door's handle.

Travis wasn't expecting to see Taylor's two best friends outside of the door.

Travis mouthed an 'excuse us' to the two young women and walked through the bedroom door's threshold. Taylor didn't see her friends because she hid her face in Travis's neck.

"Trav", she sobbed.

Travis sat on the couch, trying to uncling Taylor from him but she held on.

"Yes baby girl?", he asked softly. He understood that at the moment she was scared, confused, and probably felt alone.

"Can I stay the night with you?", she asked softly, pulling her face out of his neck.

Her face was red and she had streams of wetness streaming down her face.

"Of course baby. If you want, you can even live with me", he offered.

"I... um", she hiccuped. "I'll have to think about that", she answered, not ready to give her full, logical answer.

"Ok, I understand", he said, kissing her forehead and each wet cheek. Lastly, he kissed her lips softly.

They spend the rest of the evening cuddled on the couch while Abigail and Selena hid in the bedroom, not wanting Taylor to catch them stalking her and Travis.

As night drew near, Travis and Taylor headed to her car, headed to Travis's apartment because he had his own bedroom, though he had roommates in other rooms of the apartment, but he had his own queen bed.

Travis carried a tired Taylor inside, the guys in his apartment going silent seeing him carry a random woman inside. But the second Travis and Taylor shut his bedroom door, Patrick explained who she was to the confused young men.

"Trav?", she asked. She was now wearing one of Travis's oversized tee-shirts, fed, and laying on Travis's bare chest in bed.

"Yes girlie?", he said, smoothing his hand through her hair gently.

"I actually forgot, sorry", she said, kissing his bare chest.

"It's ok. If you remember let me know, but for now you need to sleep baby", he said, kissing her temple multiple times in a row.

"Mhmm ok", she answered, already feeling herself drift off.

Thanks for reading! The drama.... Don't forget to comment or vote!!<3 Thanks for the comments btw y'all are the best 

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