Delicate pt2

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The doctor asked Taylor to spread her legs apart and Taylor knew where this was going. Travis gave her a confused look. "Trav, it doesn't hurt, promise", she said. "They're just... sticking a machine up your ass, Tay. That's got to hurt", Travis said. "Trav, it's smaller than your... you know, so it's fine", Taylor reassured. Travis blushed, taking that as a compliment. 

Suddenly, a picture appeared on the screen. "What's that?", Travis asked, clueless. Tears flooded Taylor's eyes. "Trav, that's our baby". "What??? You're pregnant?", Travis asked, surprised. "Yes, Miss Swifts right. You are going to be parents in approximately seven and a half months", the doctor confirmed, showing different angles on the TV. "That's our baby", Travis said, tears welling up in his eye. 

The doctor told Taylor that she was about two months along already. They got to take home some pictures of the sonogram, Taylor grasping them happily as they were released from the hospital and drove home.  

"Are you happy, Trav?", Taylor asked. "Tay, I've never been so happy in my whole life. Archers going to be a big brother, I'll have my first biological child even though I do consider Archer to be my child, and there's nothing I'd like more than to have a baby with the love of my life", Travis said, placing his hand on her thigh. "I love you", Taylor said, putting her hand on top of Travis's. "Love you too, baby. Both of you", Travis said, smiling at her. 

"Oh, Taylor. Are you ok?", Andrea asked, running to hug her daughter. "I'm fine, mom. Thank you so much for watching Archer", Taylor said, hugging her back. "Of course, sweetie. Now, sit and talk to me about what happened", Andrea said, forcefully taking her hand and guiding her to sit down on the couch. Travis followed, laughing when Taylor turned around to mouth 'help' Travis. Travis sat beside Taylor. "Mom, this is really new, but...I'm pregnant!", Taylor exclaimed, showing her mom the sonogram pictures. "Oh my gosh!!", Andrea exclaimed, hugging her daughter tightly. "Mom, you're squishing the baby", Taylor joked. "Oh, Travis. Your first baby!", Andrea exclaimed giving Travis a bone-crushing hug also. "Shh, you'll wake up Archer", Taylor whispered. "Oh, sorry. I'm just so excited! My fireplace was getting pretty lonely during Christmas with only four stockings. And Travis, since you assisted in the... creation of my newest grandchild, you now get one, too", Andrea smiled. "Wow, thanks", Travis gushed. "Of course. Now, I'd better get out of your hair. After all, Taylor did faint earlier so she needs rest", Andrea resoned, kissing her daughter and future son-in-law's cheek before leaving. 

"How are you feeling, baby", Travis asked, pulling her into a hug. "Tired", she yawned. "Let's get you to bed", he whispered. "Ok", she agreed. 

"Goodnight, baby", he whispered as thoughts of a little girl or boy with bright blue eyes running around, playing with Archer. "Goodnight", she mumbled against his chest, her breathing steadying. 

Travis softly pulled her shirt up a little to look at her stomach. Though she wasn't showing yet, he knew that a little version of them was growing safely there. 

Sorry it's so short! Again, I have no hate against Joe, this is just the story line that he was a jerk, not irl. Thank you so much for reading! Don't forget to vote or comment any ideas on one shot or anything<3

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