Tell Me Why pt 2

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It's been a week since Archer and I left Joe, so we decided that it was time for us to get out of the house and do something. 

Archers favorite place to be in the world is on the beach, so Taylor decided to surprise him by taking him to the beach. "Archer, do you want to go to the beach today?", Taylor asked the 2-year-old as he ate his breakfast. "Yay!", he squealed, flashing his adorable smile. "Ok, let's get you cleaned up and changed", she said, lifting him from the highchair and setting him down. 

Taylor picked up our breakfast dishes, putting them in the sink. "Now!", Archer said, excited to go the beach. "In a minute, buddy", Taylor laughed. 

Taylor changed him into blue swim trunks because they brought out his blue eyes. 

They loaded the car up with beach toys and towels and sunscreen. "Are you excited?", Taylor asked the boy in the backseat. "Yeah!", he exclaimed. 

"We're here!", Taylor said, unbuckling the boy. 

"Mommy", Archer said, timidly. The waves were pretty big that day, but Archer was never scared of that. Joe would take him... "Buddy, It's ok. Mommy can keep you safe in the water, too", Taylor said, bending down to be on his level. "Daddy", he asked, looking at her with his adorable blue eyes. "No, Daddy isn't here", Taylor said, trying to distract him by lightly splashing him. 

"Wow", he marvled, looking wide-eyed at the waves. "They're big, right?", Taylor agreed, kissing his head. 

When Archer was building sand castles with the other kids and Taylor lay on a towel supervising, she opened her phone to post a picture she took of Archer and her to Instagram. It was time her fans knew that she and Joe were history in a settle way, and she knew every swiftie had the instinct of an FBI worker so they'd get it. 

Her post:

      The rain came pouring down when I was drowning, that's when I could finally breathe❤

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      The rain came pouring down when I was drowning, that's when I could finally breathe

@SelenaGomez- Beautiful picuture

@BlakeLively- So proud of you girlie!<33   


IK it's short but I wrote it before volleyball practice so I was rushed(: hope you enjoyed! don't forget to comment, follow, and/or vote!<3

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