The Great War pt.3

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Taylor opened her eyes to bright sunlight streaming through the curtains. She had only obtained three hours of sleep that night. Since Travis was leaving for the Military the next day, they might as well enjoy the benefit of being married for most of the night. 

Taylor looked to her right, seeing Travis staring blankly at the ceiling. 

Naked, Taylor rolled over onto Travis's chest. He gave her a small half smile. "Hi sweetheart", he said, kissing her head. She nuzzled her face in his chest. He stroked her large belly with his strong hand, feeling a small kick. Travis smiled, smelling Taylor's rose-scented hair. "She knows it's her daddy", Taylor mumbled against his chest. 

Travis smiled, letting out a chuckle. "So now you think it's going to be a girl? I told you. I'm always right", he retorted, continuing to lay a hand on Taylor's bare belly. 

"Don't lie. You thought Archie was a girl until the day he was born. But I just knew he was going to be a boy. I'm not a hundred percent sure, I think this baby is a girl. I read in a magazine that the symptoms are different with a girl or a boy. With Archie, I craved salty things, like chips. But with this baby, I'm craving sweet things. It's just speculation, but I just have a feeling", said Taylor. 

Travis looked at his beautiful wife with love. He was in awe, even though they'd just gone through this previously two years ago, the changes her body was making. How she remained so beautiful; the pregnancy only making her glow even more.

"Looks like you've been doing your research", quipped Travis, massaging the tight skin of her belly. Taylor groaned in pleasure. "You like this?", he asked. Taylor nodded, already feeling the relaxation of her skin. "I'm glad. I'm so sorry that you have to go through the rest of this on your own. It's not fair. It takes two to make a baby but here I am leaving you", Travis said, his voice catching at the end. He felt hot tears pooling in his eyes, drawing Taylor closer to him. 

"It's ok. You are so, so brave for going out there and fighting for our country. I'm so proud of you,  and so if your whole family", she soothed, caressing his newly shaved beard. 

Travis sniffled, nodding. "I love you so much. More than you will ever know. Even after being married for three years I still wonder how I got such a beautiful, sweet, and smart woman to marry me", said Travis. "Stop, you're going to make me cry", said Taylor, feeling a teardrop fall down her face. 

And Travis was right. Taylor was an only child that came from a lower class, rural farming town in Kansas. She was the most beautiful girl in the town, and many of Taylor's classmates had had a crush on her. When she was only 17, her mother got sick. Everyday, Taylor would play for her on the guitar, singing softly. But with little money for healthcare, her mother sadly died, leaving Taylor motherless. 

Travis, on the other hand, came from a high-up, prestigious household with nannies, butlers, and maids. But just because he was wealthy doesn't mean he was a happy child. His father was abusive to his mother and him and his siblings. If they misbehaved, he would drag them out back and whip their backs till they bled. And if his mother, the only person besides Taylor who ever showed him true love, ever talked back to her husband then the same fate awaited her. Travis was a different man, dropping all contact with his father. He loved his wife with his whole heart, something that his father never did. 

"Did you sleep last night?", she asked, stroking his chest hairs. Travis nodded. "I got a few hours but couldn't sleep. I actually spent most of the night making love to you, but the rest of the time was spent admiring your beauty. I got a few hours in though", said Travis. 

Taylor giggled. "Yeah, that was a night to remember for sure", she agreed. 

They stay in each other's arms, both shedding a few tears and giving kisses. 

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