In A World Of Boys He's A Gentleman pt.2

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Travis grabbed the money Patrick handed him, hustling to her.

The woman sat wearily at a bar stool, her friend, presumably another prostitute, sitting beside her, rubbing her back.

Travis approached her subtly, sitting beside her.

Taylor looked at the man with dread. She didn't feel like doing it again.

"Hi, my names Travis. What's your name?", Travis asked.

Taylor was shocked. No man has ever politely introduced himself to her. They always would just shove her the money.

"Taylor", she responded. Why was she blushing? She could never catch feelings for a client. Ever. It all goes downhill.

"That's a pretty name. Can I buy you a drink?", said Travis.

Taylor found herself smiling stupidly. What was wrong with her? She needed to lay the law out.

"You are a very kind man but if you want me, you're going to have to pay", said Taylor, holding her hand out for money.

Travis wasn't going to sleep with her but he needed to get her alone so he could at least talk to her.

Travis sighed. He pulled the cash out of his pocket, handing it to her.

"Thank you. Now this one I won't dread", she said with a half smile. Her smile was infectious so Travis smiled back.

"Shall we?", he asked, putting his hand on the small of her back. Taylor was drawn to this man for some reason. He had hazel green eyes, a tall, muscular figure, and his clean shave. He was around 21 or 22, Taylor's age with instantly made him more attractive than her clients in their 40's, usually married.

Taylor nodded, half smiling. Taylor's friend looked at Taylor with a smirk. Taylor flipped her off, sticking her tongue out.

Taylor slammed the door shut behind her, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pressing her lips to his. Travis used all his strength to not kiss back, wanting to save their first kiss for a time that she really meant it.

"Tay", he said, Taylor kissing his neck.

"Taylor listen", he said, gently pushing her away.

Taylor gave him a confused look.

"As much as I want to do this, I want to really know you first. I think your gorgeous and I would like it if we used our time to just, you know, talk", he said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"That's a first", Taylor confessed, sitting on the opposite side. They lay their legs in the bed, leaning against the headboard.

"Well some men don't see that inside each woman there is a person, not just a sex object", he said.

Everything this man said was hot. His innocence, his decent respect for the female sex. But she couldn't let herself fall.

"Yeah, I guess your right", agreed Taylor.

"In case you haven't noticed, I think you are so beautiful", complimented Travis.

Taylor blushed. "Thanks".

Travis huffed a breath. "So, are you ok after that fourth something guy?", Travis asked, looking into her crystal blue eyes.

"Oh, same old same old. I don't know why but I feel like I can tell you", began Taylor, looking into his hazel green eyes. She looked down while she thought how to phrase it, noticing his strong, manly hands. They had veins in them, showing how strong he was.

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