Baby part 1

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"Baby, you need to eat something", coaxed Travis as he lay a cold washcloth on his wife's forehead, leaning down to her level. "No, I won't be able to keep it down", she whispered weakly. "Can you try? We can start small", Travis suggested, a worried look on his face. 

Taylor had been feeling this way for the past two day, concerning Travis greatly. She a week away from due date, and she felt huge. He took care of her and Greyson, but it was hard work. He hadn't had time to shave his face for two days, much to Taylor's dismay.

"Ok", she mumbled softly, slowly sitting up in bed, Travis helping her. "Yes, thank you so much", Travis said, relieved. Taylor had only agreed for Travis's sake. Honestly, eating sounded absolutely disgusting but seeing the worry in Travis's face and voice convinced her to try some food so he stopped worrying. "Does applesauce sound ok, baby?", Travis asked gently, stroking her active bump. "Sure", Taylor said, giving him a weak smile. "Ok, I'll be right back", Travis said, leaving the door. "Oh, almost forgot", Travis said, making a quick U-turn and kissing some of the exposed skin on her forehead. "I love you", he said softly", making Taylor smile truly for the first time in the past two days. "Love you too", she said. 

Travis came back with a bowl of applesauce and a glass of water. "Here you go", said Travis, setting he dishes on the bedside table beside Taylor. "Can I get you anything else?", Travis asked kindly, stroking her hair. "Yeah, can you hand me the trashcan", Taylor asked urgently. Travis quickly grabbed the small plastic trashcan, handing it to his wife. Taylor almost immediately began to throw up, breaking Travis's heart. She was on a streak of not throwing up for an hour, making Travis falsely believe that she was getting better. "Oh, I'm so sorry", Travis said, the hurt of not being able to do much about this in his voice. Taylor pulled her head up with a whimper, looking to Travis for comfort. Travis took the trashcan that was full of stomach acid and barely any puke and set it down. He came on the other side of the bed, pulling Taylor to his chest so he was now leaned up against the backboard of the bed. "Shh", he soothed, rubbing her arm with his lips on her hair. "I'm sorry", she whispered. "Why?", he asked softly, looking at her with caring eyes. "You've just been so busy these past few days with me and Grayson to take care of and I feel bad", she said tiredly. "Don't be. It's just life. And you've done the same to me before. Remember when I got hurt at that game against the Chargers?", Travis asked, stroking her dirty blonde locks to soothe her. "Mhmm. I had to help you get of the bathtub while six months pregnant with Grayson. That was my workout for the decade", Taylor said, letting a light laugh out. "Yeah, you did. There's my pretty girl's laugh. I've missed that", said Travis, thankful that Taylor was feeling at least better enough to laugh a little. "Ohh", Taylor uttered, suddenly becoming tense. "Everything ok?", Travis asked, pulling her closer to him so she could rest her head on his shoulder. "Wow, that was a painful", breathed Taylor. "Wait, so you're in labor?", Travis asked, trying to keep his voice calm. "No", Taylor said, putting a hand on his thigh to reassure him. "Just braxton hicks", Taylor told Travis. They sat in silence for a few moments before Taylor broke the silence. "Wait, what's Grayson doing right now?". "Oh, he's taking his nap", Travis answered, turning on the TV that was in their bedroom. "What do you want to watch?", Travis offered. "Grey's Anatomy", Taylor answered. "I should've known", Travis laughed. "What? We've been married for almost two years and you don't expect me to always pick Grey's Anatomy?", Taylor asked, smiling. "No, I'm just not surprised", Travis teased. "Mhmm, ok then", Taylor laughed.

It felt good to have the old Taylor back, and it reassured Travis. "I love you", mumbled Taylor as he held her close. "I love you, too", Travis responded. rubbing her belly. Taylor closed her eyes in pleasure as his strong, gentle hands began to massage the tight skin of her belly. "Does that feel good?", Travis asked softly. "Mhmm", Taylor moaned. Travis smiled at the look of pleasure on her face. At least he was making her feel somewhat better. It woke the baby inside Taylor up, but she didn't care because if felt so good to be touched by Travis. "You're the best", she whispered tiredly. Travis couldn't help but smile stupidly. "Here, you should get some sleep. And drink some of your water", said Travis slowly replacing his arms with a pillow and getting up to hand her the glass of water. Taylor took a few sips and thanked him before laying back down again. "Call me if you need anything", Travis said, leaning down to gently kiss her lips. Taylor gently kissed back, placing her hand on his cheek. "Love you", said Travis, cracking the door behind him. "Love you, too", Taylor called back, quickly drifting off to sleep.

After about an hour of napping, Grayson woke up, sliding out of his toddler bed and rubbing his eyes as he stood at the top of the stirs holding his Benny, his stuffed giraffe. "Hi, Gray", Travis said, seeing that the little boy was awake. "Where's mommy", he asked, climbing down the stairs. "She's sleeping", Travis told him, opening the pantry to get Grayson's favorite snack. "Want some goldfish?", Travis asked. Grayson nodded, climbing onto the couch, putting his thumb in his mouth. Even though the doctors said it's not good for kids to keep sucking their thumb after age three, Grayson's doctor said it was fine if he did because he was going through a lot of changes with being a new big brother and all. 

"Here you go", Travis said, handing him the goldfish. "What do you say?", Travis reminded. "Fanks", the boy said, munching on the goldfish. 

"Travis!", a call sounded from upstairs. 

To Be Continued...

Anyways, you guys can comment what you want their baby to be named. Thanks for reading and don't forget to comment and vote!

1. Harlow

2. Elsie

3. Willow

4. Este

word count: 1,059

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