Your Friends Are My Friends

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"How do I look?", Travis asked, exiting the bathroom that was attached to their bedroom. 

"Hot. Like really hot as always", Taylor answered, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. 

"Thanks baby. If you can't tell, I'm kinda nervous to meet your friends", he said, pulling her into his arms. 

"What? I couldn't tell by the fact that you changed your outfit more than I do", she joked, pecking his nose. 

"Very funny Tay. I mean, your friends are big names in Hollywood and I want to make a good first impression", defended Travis. 

"Trav, from what I've told my friends about you, they think you're great. And I do too. And if you're really well behaved for me tonight, I just might give you a special treat tonight", she quipped, pecking his lips once more before grabbing her purse. 

"What's that supposed to mean?", he asked, enthralled by the suspense. 

"You'll see. Now let's go or else we'll be late", she said, tossing him the car keys. 

The couple arrived at the restaurant where they had rented out the party room. 

"Tay! So good to see you again!", exclaimed Selena, hugging her friend. 

"Ok, my turn! Come here girlie", said Blake excitedly, hugging Taylor. 

"Move away, she's mine", said Abigail with a laugh, engulfing her longtime friend in a hug. 

"I've missed you so much!", said Taylor to all her friends, squealing with them. 

"They do this. Don't worry, it'll only last a minute", said a masculine voice behind Travis. 

Travis turned around to see the Ryan Reynolds. 

"Ryan, nice to meet you", said Travis with a smile, shaking the man's hand. 

"Nice to meet you too, Taylor's new boyfriend", he responded. 

Travis chuckled. "Hopefully her last". Travis didn't mean to say that out loud. 

Ryan smiled, happy that Taylor finally had a boyfriend who had marriage on his mind.

"Ok girls, let's sit down so we can order", Taylor told her friends, taking the hand of her semi- golden retriever boyfriend and signaling for him to sit beside her. 

"Ok, so as you may know, this is Travis", she said, blushing. 

"It's nice to meet you", they said.

"He plays football for the Chiefs, my new favorite team, and he was born on my grandma's birthday. Not the same year, of course", joked Taylor, squeezing his hand. 

"What position does Travis play?", asked Selena. 

"Travis can talk. Travis? If you will", said Taylor, intertwining their fingers. 

Travis cleaned his throat. "Tight end", he answered, sipping his water. 

They giggled quietly, whispering amongst each other. 

Taylor leaned up to Travis's ear, whispering. "They don't know what that means. They're laughing because they think you're talking about having a big ass, which you do, but still. Maybe explain?", she said, kissing his cheek when she finished. 

"Oh", he realized. 

"A tight end catches the ball that the quarterback throws, gaining yards or driving it into the end zone", he explained. 

"So like a receiver?", Abigail asked, who had a little football knowledge.

"Yeah, kind of", he agreed, putting his hand on Taylor's thigh and squeezing it lightly.

"So what are your intentions with Taylor?", asked Blake, taking on a more serious tone. 

"I think she's amazing in every way possible, but right now we're seeing where things are going. And so far, they're going great", smiled Travis, kissing her hand. 

Ryan cleared his throat, sipping his water before mumbling quietly, "That's now what he told me".

"Aww", Selena teased, making Taylor blush. 

Travis excused himself to use the restroom, pecking Taylor's lips before exiting the room. 

"Tay, he sounds great. I like him for you", Blake said, giving her approval. 

"He is, isn't he?", agreed Taylor. 

"Yeah, we're so happy for you, but Tay, you've gotta tell us the details, if you know what I mean", persisted Abigail. 

"Oh, those details?", Taylor asked with a smirk. 

Ryan felt himself getting sick in his mouth, so he excused himself, not wanting to hear anymore than he had to about their girl talk of Travis in the bedroom.

"He's great, if you know what I mean. He's not lacking in anything, up there or down there. That man can pick me up, smack my ass, all of it. He once threw me over his shoulder and he can hold me like I'm a little kid", gushed Taylor, subtly bragging about her man. 

"Oh, I wish. My husband needs to hit the gym to compare to that", said Abigail, sipping at the Margarita she ordered. 

"Ok, girl has a type. I respect that", nodded Selena. 

"Oh, heck yes. I didn't know what I was missing when I was with Joe. I swear, Travis has twice the amount of testosterone that Joe had. Travis could go all night if he needed to", Taylor said, gulping the last of her alcoholic beverage. 

"As he should!", said a tipsy  Blake. "Having kids does something to men. I love Ryan and all, but that man can barely go ten minutes now days".

"Viagra", said a tipsy Taylor. 

"He's too young for that, right?", asked Blake, considering it. 

Taylor shrugged. "I don't know. Travis has never had to use Viagra", reasoned Taylor. 

"Enough about his behavior. How long is it?", squealed a drunk Abigail. 

Taylor giggled. "He's a whole 6 inches", she smiled. 

Travis opened the door for both him and Ryan at that moment. He froze, not sure what to do. 

"Travis, come here", Taylor said, making grabby hands towards her man. 

Ryan laughed, surprised that all three of the women had somehow or another managed to get drunk in the span of ten minutes. 

Travis sat beside Taylor, her sitting up and sitting on his lap. 

"Travvy", she said, stroking his buzz cut. 

"Are you drunk, baby?", asked Travis, rubbing her curves. 

Taylor giggled. "No". 

"I think you are though", said Travis, kissing her cheek before pushing her drink away from her reach. 

"Nice meeting you Ryan, ladies. But I think Taylor is a little too drunk for this setting and I know Tree would kill us both, but mostly me, if she embarrassed herself drunk again, so we should get going", he said, helping her to her feet. 

"Carry me Travvy", she begged. 

Travis, with no effort, picked her up in the bridal style. 

"Bye guys!", she yelled, waving as Ryan held the door open for them, contemplating what to do with the other two drunk women in his presence. 

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment or vote! I always love your comments, but in the last chapter, your comments blew my mind! I loved each and every one of them, and it meant so much that you took the time to comment on my story<3

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