Baby part 2

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Travis rushed to the bedroom to find Taylor looking panicked. "Taylor, what's wrong?", Travis asked, being followed by a curious Grayson. "My water broke", she said, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Ok, ok, I'll get the hospital bag", Travis said trying not to panic. "Mommy, awe you ok?", he asked curiously with, his big blue eyes shining. "Yeah, guess what Grayson? Mommy's going to the hospital to have her baby. Your baby sister will be here before you know It", said Taylor, hyping the toddler up. "How's the baby going to get out of dere?", he asked, climbing on the bed beside his mom. "Ummm, well, ...", Taylor stumbled, unsure of of what to answer him with. "Well, God does it. It's like magic", Taylor said, trying to sound like it's true. But Grayson had already lost interest and went back downstairs to finish his goldfish. 

"Okay, so we'll drop Grayson off at your mom's house and then dive to the hospital", Travis said, saying the plan out loud. "That's the plan", Taylor said, going to the bathroom to change her pants because they were wet. "Yes, that's the plan", Taylor said, exiting the bathroom. "Grayson, come on. We're going to grandma's", Taylor called, sitting on a kitchen chair so Travis could put her shoes on for her. "Thanks", Taylor said after he finished, him helping her up. "Of course", he said. 

They shared an intimate moment, staring into each other's eyes for a moment. "One more kiss before we become parents to two", Travis suggested, placing his hands on her lower back, Taylor wrapped her arms around her back. Taylor was about to pull away when Travis began brushing his tongue over her lower lip, making her pull away immediately. "Trav, of course, you try to seduce me when I'm about to have a baby", she said, smiling as she grabbed her purse and walked down the garage steps. "Well when you put it like that", Travis said, joking. He picked Grayson up and buckled him in his car seat, making his way to the driver's side. 

"Bye", Taylor said, waving to Grayson as he was being carried inside by his grandma. He waved back, obviously in good hands. "Ok, now baby time", Travis said a smile on his face as he backed out of their driveway. "Oh, I'm sure you're looking forward to it", Taylor said, grimacing through a contraction. "You're not the one who has to push this out", groaned Taylor, relaxing after te contraction was over.

In the Hospital, Taylor chose to try to stay natural so no epidural. "We are even never sleeping in the same bed again", said Taylor, who was getting ready to start to push. "You're doing great baby", Travis encouraged, trying not to take that personally. 

"Ok, one more push", the doctor said, already seeing part of a head. Travis made the mistake of looking and almost fainted, but regained focus when looking at Taylor's determined face. 

"It's a girl!", the doctor praised, wrapping the baby in a blanket and handing her to her mother. Taylor felt tears in her eyes, looking at the beautiful baby that had been growing inside her for the past almost nine months. "You're so perfect", Taylor told the screaming newborn. "Hey, baby girl", Travis cooed. "Taylor, you did great", Travis said, getting teary-eyed. Travis stroked his daughter's cheek, so soft. "She's perfect", he whispered, getting close to Taylor's face and pressing a kiss to her forehead. "She is", Taylor agreed. All the pain and suffering that was unbearable just a few minutes ago was now so worth it. "I love you, Elsie Marjorie", Taylor said, pressing a kiss to her head. 

The baby calmed down, being soothed by the skin-to-skin contact with her mom, the only human she knew. 

The next day, they had agreed it was time for Grayson to see his baby sister. So Taylor's parents took him to see his baby sister, Grayson so excited. "Can I howd her?", he asked softly as his dad had told him to be quiet for the baby. "Of course, you can", Taylor said, probing his arm up and keeping one hand on her at all times. "Good job", Taylor praised, making Grayson smile. Travis beamed at his family, now a family of four.

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