In A World Of Boys He's A Gentleman pt.3

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Taylor left the room smiling, watching as Travis looked back at her once more before departing with Patrick. 

Selena approached her friend, lightly punching her on the arm. 

"So, how'd it go?", she smirked. 

"Shut up", said Taylor, trying to stop blushing. But every time Taylor even thought of Travis she started blushing and giggling. 

"'ll tell you in the car", said Taylor, linking arms with her friend and roommate, walking to the car. 

Taylor put her car on drive, ready to spill the tea. 

"So his name's Travis. He's a tight end or something like that for Cleveland University", began Taylor. 

"Ohh, a football player", squealed Selena.

"Oh, I know. He has muscles, Sel. It's so hot. Anyways, he's studying sports history", said Taylor. 

"I mean, who cares about brains", reasoned Selena, agreeing with her friend. 

"Oh, I know. But he has the sweetest heart", said Taylor. 

"Enough about that, how'd having sex with him go?", asked Selena, seeking the juicy details. 

"Oh, about that. He didn't have sex with me", Taylor said. 

Selena raised an eyebrow at Taylor. 

"He said he wanted to get to know me first. He called me gorgeous and we just sat on the bed and talked. I told that man things that I haven't even told my own mom", said Taylor, smiling.

"That's so sweet. I've never heard of any of our clients doing that before", grinned Selena. 

"I know. I know we're not supposed to fall for them, but I really like this guy. He cared about me so much that he refused to have sex. When I kissed him in the beginning he said he wanted to get to know me first. And when I was talking about how hard my job is he held my hand. But the best part is the end when he asked before kissing me", squealed Selena. 

"Oh my gosh, that is actually so cute! Just be careful that our boss doesn't find out", warned Selena, then pulled into the parking space in front of their shared on-campus apartment. 

"I will. But I'm thinking about quitting because I don't want to hook up with other people now that I possibly have someone I can hook up with that I actually have feelings for", thought Taylor out loud. 

"While I'm happy for you, I really don't want you to quit. I'm going to miss you girl", begged Selena.

Both friends stepped out of the car and locked it, and unlocked their one - bedroom apartment.

"Home at last", said Selena, throwing her shoes off, shutting the door behind her. 

Taylor lay in her bed which was beside Selena's, on the opposite side of the room. 

"Hey Tay?", asked Selena, looking over to her friend. 

"Mhmm?", hummed Taylor in response.

"When you play with yourself tonight to Travis, could you try to keep it down?", asked Selena, smirking at the shocked, flustered look on her friend's face. 

"Sel, what makes you think I would do that?", asked Taylor, shocked. Sure, she maybe was planning on that, but the nerve to say that out loud. 

"Come on, a 6 foot 5 man likes you. We know you will". 

Taylor didn't respond, instead rolling over to face the wall. She imagined the pillow being Travis's chest, falling asleep in minutes.

The next morning, Taylor woke up with a pounding headache and to the sound of Selena tripping on the foot of her bed. 

Taylor sat up quickly, seeing Selena laughing on the floor. 

"Did you just trip?", laughed Taylor. 

"Yeah", giggled Selena, standing back up. 

"Dumb ass", mumbled Taylor, yawning as she swung her feet over the side of her bed. 

They got ready quickly, dashing out the door, barely making it to class in time. 

As the weeks went by, Taylor only felt worse. Her headache was still present on and off, but she began to feel nauseous. 

In the hallway around lunch time one day, Taylor was walking to the university's cafeteria with both headphones in.

Suddenly, she felt one being removed from her ear. She quickly turned around to find the thief. But to her pleasant surprise, she only found a tall, handsome man with hazel green eyes. 

"Travis?", she asked, smiling. 

"Hey", he said, putting one in. 

"Wow, how are you not def with this volume?", asked Travis. 

"What are you talking about? It's only at volume... oh wait, that is loud", laughed Taylor, turning the volume down. 

They walked to the cafeteria, Travis reaching his hand down to brush hers. He looked at her beautiful self, walking straight ahead. 

"You're beautiful, you know that?", Travis asked, reaching down to whisper in her ear. 

Taylor smiled, blushing. "Thank you", she whispered back.

Travis gently took his hand into hers, giving it a light squeeze. 

Taylor's friends, Abigail and Selena, walked behind the duo, gushing about how cute they were together. 

After school, Taylor and her friends had to get ready for work because their boss had asked them to do a double shift. 

Taylor's friends had left her because Taylor had insisted that she wasn't feeling well enough to work. 

This was partly true, but she also didn't want to sleep with other men she almost had one of her own. Plus, she had already quit, her boss was just making her work one more week.

Taylor lay on the couch, a random episode of Friends playing in the background. She groaned, feeling a wave of nausea. 

She must have contracted food poisoning or something because this illness was no joke. Moaning in frustration, Taylor leaned over the trashcan that Selena had given her before they left. She violently emptied the content of her stomach. Taylor groaned, laying back down but still feeling very nauseous. 

Suddenly, a knock sounded from the front door. 

Thanks for reading! I know this isn't the best chapter, but I've got the next chapter pre-written and it should be published later today! Don't forget to comment or vote!<3

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