Pains Part 2

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"Look at her little toes", Taylor said softly as she cradled the newborn a day after her birth. "They're so tiny", he agreed. "When's your parents getting here?", Travis asked, taking  Vivian from Taylor so Taylor could have a break. "They're getting here in about an hour", she informed him, yawning. Travis nodded. "Tay, you need to sleep. You need rest after bringing another human into the world", Travis said, stroking his fingers through her hair. "Ok", Taylor said, too tired to protest. "Goodnight, sweetheart", Travis said, pecking her head softly. "Night", Taylor said sleepily. Taylor fell asleep almost instantly, her eyelids drooping. 

"You're mommy is sleepy, girlie", Travis said to his daughter. She made cooing noises, her blue eyes shining. "I can tell that you're a daddy's girl already". 

Taylor and Vivian were discharged from the hospital and spent a total of 3 days at the hospital. "Ready to go home, Vivi?", Taylor cooed at the newborn as she watched the newborn's eyelids almost close from tiredness. "She's almost asleep", said Taylor with a smile, looking at Travis in the front seat. "My girls are so pretty", Travis said aloud, smiling as he glanced in the rear view mirror. 

They were greeted at home by Taylor's parents, Travis's parents, Jason's family, Sabrina, and Blake and Ryan. "You guys didn't have to do this", Taylor said, seeing all the baby gifts that lay beside the couch, wrapped in cute pink baby designs. 

The presents consisted of all she needed for Vivian which was a huge help because all she and Travis had were the clothes that Andrea had brought to the hospital for Vivian to wear home and the car seat the hospital had given them for free. "Can I hold her?", Wyatt asked timidly, walking up to see the wide awake baby that lay on in Taylor's arms. "Of course. Could you just wash you're hands for me real quick?", Taylor said, getting ready to hand her baby over. She kissed her head softly before handing Vivi to Wyatt who sat on the couch with her mother's help, a pillow propped under her right arm. Wyatt smiled, seeing the baby that was on her way into her arms. "She's so cute", Wyatt observed, smiling at the baby. "I think she likes you", Taylor said, sitting by Travis, curling up into him. "I love you", Taylor said, kissing him. "I love you too. You're such a cute mommy", Travis whispered, rubbing her back softly. "You're going to be such a girl dad. You'll let her get away with anything and I'll be the one laying out the law", Taylor smiled. "Yeah, that's probably how it's going to be", Travis observed. "But no boys till she's thirty", Travis said, making Taylor laugh. "We'll see about that", Taylor said, smiling. "Mommy, I'm tired of holding Vivian. Can you take her?", Wyatt said, causing her mother to stand up and take the baby from her arms. "Gladly". "Oh, Jason, she's precious, isn't she?", Kylie said, begging with her eyes. "Travis, look what you've done to my wife", Jason joked, making Travis laugh. "Kylie, keep talking, Jason about that. I like where this is going", Donna said, making the room erupt into laughter. "Ok, let the baby see grandma now", Donna said, picking up her granddaughter. "Oh, she's so precious. Look at her little fingers. And ooh, that fresh baby scent. Taylor, there better be more where this came from sometime soon", Donna said smiling. "Maybe but right now one is definitely enough", Taylor said. She loved how welcoming and accepting her family was to her and Travis's unique situation. She always knew they would be but it was still refreshing to see them care for her baby. 

"OK, mother of the mother's turn to hold the baby", Andrea said after Donna got to hold her for about a half an hour. "OK, OK", Donna said, handing her newborn granddaughter to her other grandma. 

Once all the family had left, Blake and Ryan stayed to help out with anything they could. "How are you doing, dad?", Ryan asked, sitting beside him on the couch while Taylor breastfed Vivian and talked to Blake.  

"I'm good. I've never loved someone I just met, just knew about it in less than a week, so much", Travis confessed. "Yeah. I would say I understood but I knew about my babies before they were born so", laughed Ryan, being joined in by Travis. "Yeah, this definitely wasn't the plan but we have never been so happy in our whole lives. She's just so perfect", Travis gushed. "She is a cutie. So, just between us, there was no bump, no morning sickness, no mood swings, no nothing?", Ryan checked. "No nothing. Although Taylor did occasionally complain about her back hurting sometimes and she did gain a little weight but we just thought that was because she was on break from the tour". "Oh. What was your reaction to Taylor going into labor?", Ryan asked as if he was Travis's therapist. "Oh, we didn't know she was even in labor until we got to the hospital. They put that machine up to her stomach and the doctor was so shocked to see that there was an almost fully grown baby in there", Travis said. "What did you guys think it was?", Ryan asked. Travis appreciated Ryan asking him about it because sometimes with the baby and all he felt useless but Taylor had assured him that his presence was helpful enough. "Oh, the whole time before Vivian was born was miserable for Taylor and I felt horrible. She was having light cramping in the car ride on the way home from my game, but that's nothing out of the ordinary. Then when I got out of the shower and saw her on the bed in so much pain, I knew this was something we should take her to the hospital for. Like there were tears running down her face and she was sweaty. She was not doing well. She couldn't even walk so I carried her to the car and she said it hurt too much to sit up so I laid her down in the backseat". Travis paused, taking a deep breath because his voice caught in the end. Ryan gave him an empathetic look. Travis continued. "She was crying my name out in the backseat like there was something I could do to help her and I felt so completely helpless. Poor thing stained her eyes red crying while she clutched her stomach in pain. I remember pushing my feelings aside because this was one of the times I had to man up and make sure she was going to be ok before I showed too much emotion. If you look at my upper arm there's a mark from when she was having a real contraction when I carried her into the hospital. She was like full on wailing during this one. But don't tell her because I don't want her to feel bad. Anyways, that's when we found out that Taylor was pregnant and she kinda panicked. I was panicking too but I couldn't let her see that because that would only spook her more. But the next thing I remember is seeing little Vivi being born. So I guess for such a nightmare it ended pretty good", Travis concluded. "So you thought it was appendicitis or something?", Ryan asked. Travis nodded. "Wow man, you guys have quite the story to tell her someday. But wow, Taylor is a trooper", Ryan complimented. "Yeah, she always has been but she really upped out standards, didn't she?", said Travis, a proud grin as he heard his baby cooing. 

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Taylor and Blake spilled the tea about Taylor's POV on the birth story. "Taylor, do you know how many women want to have a cryptic pregnancy now? No bump, barely any symptoms", Blake said as Taylor propped Vivian up to her boob so she would eat. Taylor laughed. "I guess that parts nice, but it still is scary because I took no neonatal vitamins, I drank while pregnant, and I probably did a hundred other things that you aren't supposed to do while pregnant and we just have to sit here and wait to see if any of that is going to effect her. But luckily she shows no effects so far, so that's a plus", Taylor said, taking a sip of a smoothie. "Yeah, you're right. How did you not know, if you don't mind me asking. Like with my kids I knew within 4 weeks because I couldn't keep anything down", Blake asked curiously, handing Taylor the burp cloth that she accidentally dropped. "Nope. I do remember feeling little movements, though. They were magical. But they never kept me up at night or caused anything noticeable, like an outside of my stomach visual. I gained a little weight but it wasn't that much", Taylor said, peeking at the baby. "What did labor feel like?", Blake asked. "It probably felt normal. I first started feeling these small periods like cramps at Trav's game, but they kept getting worse. I kept quiet but Travis noticed but I just said they were pre-period cramps. Then when he took a shower they were almost unbearable. I counted and they were five minutes apart. I was in tears and then Travis got out of the shower and insisted on taking me to the hospital. He got dressed the fastest I've ever seen him get dressed. I think it was around 2 minutes, a new record", Taylor said with a smile. "Wow. That certainly is impressive, especially since he's a fashionista as his mom calls him", Blake agreed, sipping her wine that Taylor eyed enviously. "Yeah she did call him that. Anyways, It hurt too much to sit up so he laid me on the backseat while I think I screamed and cried..", Taylor said but was interrupted by Blake. "Girl, you walked to the garage but couldn't sit up?", Blake asked, needing clarification.  "Oh, Travis carried me in his strong, muscular arms", Taylor said, blushing slightly. "Wow, you know Ryan has guns, too", Blake defended. "I'm sure he does. Anyways, Travis said I cried the whole way there. I thought I was either dying or my appendix was exploding. It was honestly terrifying. And Trav forgot to call security, but we luckily weren't caught by the pap. He kinda zoned out there for a second, but he says my cries drew him out of it. We were just sitting there in the parking lot for like what felt like fifteen minutes but it was probably more like one. Then he carried me into the hospital and I was wheeled away in a wheelchair without Trav because he had to stay back and fill out paperwork. They took me to this small room, but then Trav sprinted back to my side. They put the ultrasound machine to my stomach and found a baby. I was honestly terrified", Taylor said, switching Vivian to the other side. "Because we hadn't even put together a nursery. But I can honestly say through all that Travis was my rock. I don't know what I would have done if he wasn't home. And the next thing I knew after an eternity of pain and suffering, this girl was born", Taylor said, sipping on her smoothie. "You're so brave. You brought life into this world with two hours notice. You're a badass, Tay", Blake said, honestly so proud of her friend. They were interrupted by the men entering the kitchen, Travis going over to her and kissing her head. "How you doing, baby", he asked. "Good. Could you get me some water please?", Taylor asked. Travis nodded, getting her some water in no time. "Thanks", she said, taking a sip. 

"Blake, we should probably get going", Ryan said, glancing at his watch. "Ooh, yeah. Don't want to keep you guys up too late. Oh wait, you're probably going to be up the whole night but still", Blake said, giving Taylor a small hug because she was breastfeeding. Ryan and Travis did a bro hug, saying their goodbyes.

"Babe, you get that", Taylor said, half asleep still. "Ok", Travis agreed, getting the crying baby from the bassinet. "Shh", Travis soothed, laying her on the bed to do a quick diaper change. He rocked her but Vivian just lay in his arms, staring at him with curious eyes. She looked around, wide awake. "Keeping your old man up, I see", Travis yawned. 

After an hour of rocking and swaddling, Vivian fell asleep, Travis gently placing her in her bassinet with a soft kiss on her head. "Night Vivi. Love you", he whispered. 

Travis crawled back in bed, careful not to wake Taylor. He smiled at her peacefully sleeping, him spooning her. Taylor stirred for a second but quickly rested again, feeling safer in his arms.

Hope you guys enjoyed it! Honestly the idea of Taylor having a cryptic pregnancy was just an idea that popped in my head and I never thought it would be a popular subject, but I hope you liked it<33

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