XVIII. Last Day.

22 3 0

Chachi Grey

I woke up to the annoying sound I hear almost every single day-- my alarm clock. It gave me this strength where I could break something fragile without an effort.

And I did.

I smashed my alarm clock just to make it silent but I guess I smashed it harder than I thought.

"what the hell was that?" My sister's voice bolted up from downstairs as I get out of bed immediately.

"Its my alarm clock, I killed it." I shouted as she only responded with an 'okay' after that. She knows what I feel when I get to wake up very early in the freaking morning, sometimes I'm in the good mood where I'm with my family or them to be specific, and sometimes I'm in the bad mood where I shut out almost everyone except Matt and Sky. I always control myself when I'm with them.

Seeing my toothbrush messed up my deep thoughts, so I quickly went in my bathroom to freshen up.


I went downstairs only to see my lovely sister lying down the couch while reading a book, and my awesome brother watching a movie. It was these times where I always enjoy seeing them being themselves, actually they always act like no one's watching and be who they really are. That's one of the things why I love being with them.

You'll know that moment when you think you're in the right path when you're with your friends. And by friends, I mean family. And by family, I mean them.

I actually thought about the first day we met them. The day when my sister and Harry bumped into each other. It was actually an accident, and it was a lucky thing that we went that way. I mean we rarely go there. I always ask myself, what if they didn't bump into each other? Will it still be the same?

It was all hard to explain but I'm very thankful they got there clumsiness out those times.

"Whatcha reading, sis?" I asked as I sat down next to her.

"Paper Towns," She sighed. "Its kinda good." She continued to read as I only shrugged my shoulders. Immediately looking over to my brother, who is now drinking a beer.

"Ah, The Expendables. How I miss that movie." I said as my brother patted my thigh, giving me a smile. This was life. I totally thought I would die lonely. Thank you God for giving me this wonderful experience having a family.

"Hey, isn't it the lads' last day today?" Matt's words caught me up back in reality.

"shit." I breathed out, I totally forgot this was their last day. I can't believe how time passed by so quickly.

I gotta drink my vitamins again--- I thought to myself. It was true, I had to. I've been forgetting important stuff lately. Like, my phone and brushing my hair and...oh shit! My phone. Mikey must have texted me already.

I searched upstairs for my phone, and there it was. Under my fluffy pillow that I love so much. I opened it immediately, and saw five unread messages and three missed calls from him.

His first text was sweet actually.

"Goodmorning! Rise and shine, my lovely princess." which made me smile so high, that I felt my neck crinkle up a bit.

My eyes widened at his second text. "Grey lies awake, trying to find the words to say, I wish I was...I wish I was, beside her-- I have never done this to any girl before. You're special, babe. Wake up, princess .xx"

I didn't have to freaking read his other texts, I just had to take a goddamn shower to see him already. He was a classic guy. And he's pure. Those are some things I love about him.

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