XXIII. Drained

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Skylar Dallas

The most unexpected thing just happened, and I don't even know what to expect if all of it were true or not. I sure hope it was all just a prank that the boys pulled on us but it seemed so bizarre.

If anything, I would have not get shocked. I know a prank when I feel one. And this didn't turn out to be as funny as it looked like.

The next morning, I tried to contact the lads if they heard about the news but none of them were online. And I literally mean none of them. It was obvious they were all busy with the tour. So I tried contacting Sophia and Jas but they seem to be busy with their school works and such because they both were offline as well.

And problems like these were connected with getting wasted because that is one way to forget about what you're dealing with.

"ready?" My sister asks while grabbing her bag full of nothing in it. We had decided to take a rest with all that's happened and even invited our brother to be with us if something bad might happen.

I immediately grab the keys to my motorcycle and mutter a quick, "Yeah," to her.

The three of us got out of the house and observed that there were alot of stars above the sky. And in all honesty, it was beautiful.


The drive to our favorite place which was, The Pub, wasn't very long. We had some talks on the way there, and by talks I specifically mean shouting and screaming at each other just to hear what we all have to say to one another.

The moment we got in the place, we didn't get surprised by the dirty looks that people were giving to us. Of course, Chachi and I were trained how to give people the best death glares we could do and it totally works out for the three of us. The truth is, I missed this, all of it. I missed how the three of us would get ideas on how to relax and get wasted without any effort or anything.

Did I mention the loud coughs of people smoking so hard? No? Well they're damn annoying to look at. I mean if you're not a good smoker or if you're not even a smoker, don't smoke. Its as easy as that.

You could only see drunk people, men and women grinding at each other, and other shitty stuff you would imagine.

I looked at my sister who is now smoking hard as usual, but we only smoke without letting the boys know. Because we don't want them to worry.

Then I noticed Matt was gone. I grew on worried but feeling a bit okay because I knew he was just in the restroom probably with another girl. And we all know what happens next.

After about three hours of staying there, we decided to go home and watch whatever we wanted.

Matt said he couldn't watch with us because he was a bit tired so we let him sleep upstairs at his room. "goodnight, ladies." He greeted as he hugged the both of us and kissed our foreheads, and immediately went to bed.

Grey wanted to watch 22 Jump street, so I played it on Netflix for her. Our snacks were the usual, two fresh green apples, a banana for me, and two sweet doughnuts for her.

Water was good for us after drinking and smoking too much. The three of our lips never turned dark for our whole existence, creepy huh? Maybe its how we do, or its just natural for us.

We found ourselves enjoying and laughing a bit hard because of the part where the guy told his buddy to shout something cool when they both jump. But he literally shouted "something cool," and I got worried in our generation now. Its all about literal stuff.

"shit! That was the best," She mentioned sarcastically as I laugh very hard.

I mean who wouldn't laugh at them.

The movie was done and we decided to watch something else before we go to bed, we wanted to sleep fast the moment we lay down on our beds.

"If I get asked who would I choose to date in the four of them, I would say... " She spoke up as she picked among the four men of impractical jokers.

"Sal!" We both screamed as we let out soft giggles after that.

The moment I went to my room, I did what I usually do. To finish my proper hygiene activities. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and immediately went to bed. And within minutes, I found myself getting tired so I made my way to rest in a deep slumber.


You know that moment when you suddenly realize you're life is just a roll of a dice. Its like someone is playing with the dice, which is your life, and giving you the random thoughts of what the player wants. If anything, I knew God wasn't doing this. I mean he only does good stuff, right?

And I also knew it were the demons that were playing with me all the time.

I wasn't the type of being religious, but I pray all the time. But not about me, about my brother and sister. I want them safe and happy all the time. And now I have what I always wanted, a family. And I pray for all of them too. They're all I care about in this world.

I don't care about me, about my happiness, or anything good that could happen to a person, because I was never sure if I even deserved it. But seeing my family happy, now that is my happiness.

Out of a sudden, a knock was heard from my door. Making me brush off the deep thoughts I just had in my mind.

"Dude!" The voice of my sister was heard.

"yeah?" I answered in the most lazy tone ever.

"I'll be at Cameron's, I dunno when I'll get back.." She said.

"You have your taser?" I asked, arranging the bed sheets, as I walk my way up to her.

"Yep." She simply answered as I let her go.


Matt went away after we both had breakfast. Of course, we argued on who would wash the dishes but obviously I lost the damn fight.

I washed the dishes.

After I did that, I went to my room to get my laptop only to check on whoever was online. The first one that popped in the list was Gail. I was glad she was online but at the same time I still felt sad for her.

I didn't hesitate to invite her for a video call, that she immediately answered by the way.

"Hey," I cooed as I ran a hand through my hair. "how are you now?" I asked without any second thoughts or anything.

"I- I'm still shocked." Her only words for my sudden question. I knew it all happened too fast. Its been in the news for a week now and its still not confirmed yet.

I was definitely worried of Gail, her skin is pale, her face too tired, and her hair a mess.

"Have you been eating? How was your sleep last night by the way?" I tried to smile a bit to her, to make her feel okay, just to let her smile.

"I can't eat. Sleep sucks as fuck!" She exclaimed, obviously still mad.

"well you gotta eat something," I said in the most concerned tone.

She sighed. "I can't take it anymore, the boys are always offline, even Sophia and Jas. I can't-- I just want it all to stop for a bit." She cried out. I wish I was with her right now. I couldn't imagine a world with even one member of my family getting hurt. I would kill just to make them happy.

"I couldn't imagine him doing this to me... I'm such an idiot. I should have said no!" She said as my eyebrows narrow in confusion. I was confused with her last words.

"What do you mean you should have said no?" I asked.

She sighed once again. She was about to answer me until my laptop shut down immediately.

"Fuck!" I cursed as I get the charger to charge my laptop.

What did she mean? I had to find this out. ASAP.

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