LX. Hard and rough

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Skylar Dallas

I just told mum that I still loved him, and that my love will never leave. It will never run away or even go anywhere. My love for him will stay, which I knew all along. Even though we aren't in good terms right now, all I've ever thought about ever since, was only him being happy with someone else and now that I think its happening, I feel different. Like I wasn't ready anymore, that all I need was him right at this very moment.

Anne knew me too well, and whatever reaction Harry might get after knowing what I just said, I wouldn't care because the important thing was that he knew the truth.

Matt saw me getting all soft after his small adventure with Vicky earlier, giving me the small talk all over again.

I wasn't actually a fan of it but judging his personality, you'd love him for it. I wasn't actually ready on going home, and by home I mean to my family. It was scary for the fact that everyone was going to be there, and yes it was the 5sos lads' fourth year anniversary, which was exciting and scary for that matter. I didn't actually know if Harry was going as well but I just wanted to celebrate the day for the lads, not for me.

"You guys all packed-up?" Vicky came in, asking Matt and I, which was a surprise for the both of us because she usually was the one who we wait in these kinds of times.

"Uh, I guess so, babe." Matt answered as I coughed at the nickname he gave her. I was called that too, a few months ago, actually.

"Let's go, then." And by that, we did. It only took ten minutes for us to go back to the airport to L.A, but actually we still felt exhausted.


After a long exhausting day, I went to the gym alone because Matt knew what I would feel if I came with someone, and I honestly miss my sister for that matter. She was my gym buddy most of the time but ever since my sick drama, it all changed. I wonder how they are now.

It took me about an hour, before I could think of going home already. And by the time I did, I already smelled pizza from our door stand.

"Gosh - you look sweaty." Vicky commented as I gave her a serious grin.

"Baby, she just went to the gym, what else would she look like?" My brother sarcastically said as I hid my laugh. True.

I walked out of the living room and into my room, only to take another shower for the day. I laid my body on the tub as I rested my soul for about an hour or so.

Minutes later, I heard my phone vibrate aggressively on the top side of the mirror stand. I walked out of the tub and finally dried myself off before looking at my phone.

To be honest, I thought it was mum again, but it was Gemma. Another news from Harold, might I add? I answered and heard nothing from the other line until I waited for her voice.

"Hello?" I tied my hair up and got into my new clothes for the day. I waited and waited. Only strange breathing was heard on the other line. Something was up with Gemma today, or maybe she just butt-called me, again.

"Gemma - oh, Gemma?" I asked for several times. "Hey, sis, are you even there-"

"Skylar?" The old, familiar voice that turned me on through our years together spoke up after my long wait for a different person.

"Harry-" was all I said - what all I could say, actually. I didn't really know what to say next.

"Um - I'm sorry to - if I bothered you.. well did I even bother you? I just want to know if you were coming -- to the house later this week? It's Gemma's birthday and she, uh, wants you to come by." Boy, that was long. The same stuttering of Harold were one of the things I missed about him.

''You called - you actually called.'' I said as I hear a small giggle at the other line. I could feel him smiling.

''Sorry - I forgot to say hi first.''

''Hello to you too, dummy.'' And we both laugh unexpectedly. The plan was for me to answer to his question if I was  going to Gemma's birthday but the conversation went on and on and for all I know, we spoke for ages. It went great until an unexpected question came out of his mouth.

''So why did you really leave?'' I sighed.

''Can we please talk about something-''

''No - not this again, Sky. Please don't do this to me. I don't know what I'll do if you keep on hiding something to me. Its scary, baby-'' He tried to calm me down by telling his weakness and that was when I was hiding something from him. I want to tell him what I really feel but I just can't - I couldn't.

''Harry, please. You know why I never tell things to anyone, right?''

''Even to me?''

That was it actually, it left me hanging with that question. I sure hope I could figure things out.

''I'll try talking with you again, I'm kinda busy now. I love - bye.''

''Don't worry I still love you. Keep safe for me,'' He ends the call after that, leaving me in complete shock with what he last said to me. I still love you? Did he really mean that? I hope he did.


I ordered coffee after Harry called, I couldn't think straight after he confessed how he still loved me. A joke or not, I felt like it was all true. I read and watched every fucking love story there is, and I don't actually know how to explain ours. It made sense when Anne told me Harry was still into me but hearing it from him - out of his lips, it turned out the opposite. He was supposed to hate me - to loathe my whole existence. He should have called me to curse me or something, or at least to kill me. But, no. He did the greatest thing  a man could do to make a girl happy. To tell her how much he still loved her. Gosh - I should have told him the truth. I should have said 'I love you' to him when I had the fucking chance - or chonce, as how Niall sang it.

Matt walked in the living room, with only his boxers. He looked at me and sat down beside me on the couch. ''What's up, sister?'' He asks.

I tried to smile as I watch the telly with whatever it was going on with Rowan Atkinson and the hotel manager talking to some random dude on the counter.

''Nothing. Just watching Mr. Bean, is all.'' I answered with all I can as he shook his head, already having an idea about what's really going on.

''How was Harold?'' He asked as my brows furrowed in total curiosity of how the hell he knew.


''Don't ask.'' And so I didn't. I told him everything, almost running out of saliva with how it turned out to be that long. I should have just told him that it was a long damn story.

In a matter of minutes, we saw Victoria, with only the covers of the bed were covered around her, with a huge smile plastered on her face.

''Ready?'' A moment of silence fell over the room as I looked at Matt, already figuring out why he only wore his boxers.

''Oh bloody hell - just get on with it. I'll be back, tomorrow. See you folks,'' I said goodbye as I controlled myself not to puke yet until I could find the nearest restroom of the place. I should get ready for our visit home with the family, but I needed alcohol. Hard and rough, for a stressful day. Good luck to you, Dallas.

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