XXXVIII. Love at first sight?

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Niall's POV

I have been looking for her for half a freakin hour now. Its been a really weird day for me since I met her in the meet and greet earlier, before we could start the show.

She was second to the last in meeting us. And I was the last to be spoken to. She looked so beautiful and I just couldn't get me mind off of her. It wasn't the first time I had a crush on a girl but its been too long. I only had a relationship with food, and I was definitely strict with that. Anyone who would steal my food, would die. Literally.

She wore these shoes that were as white as her hair. Of course, she dyed it. But it suited her well. Her hazel eyes a bit teary when it landed on mine and it was a great privilege for me. Her smile as wide as the mountains above us. We held hands for about five seconds when I was signing her book. And her hug felt warm, and I felt very safe.

"You waiting for someone," a familiar voice of a grown man with a raspy kind spoke up as I turned around.

"Nah, I was just thinking, buddy." I answered.

He shrugged his shoulders as I leaned me head on the wall while I look outside the window, getting a better view of America while it lasted.

All I wanted to do was to find the girl. I didn't even get her name. I'm such an idiot. I need to talk to someone. Someone that would actually listen to me irish voice and not laugh until I finish laughing. And so I did.

It took her three rings to actually answer. "hello,"

"Niall?" she was surprised because I never called her yet. And I missed talking to all of them but now I need professional help. And I need it fast.


"Dude, you're an idiot." She laughed as I only giggle with what she said. I explained it all as I felt so embarassed and I regret letting her go just like that.

"I know, you don't have to squeeze it all in." I retorted.

"well if you made a move already, we wouldn't be thinking like this." she answered as I agreed once again.

"What am I gunna do?!"

"only thing I'm thinking is finding her, but it'd been easy if you remembered her name.." She said as I remembered we had a registration in that place before meeting us. This is great news.

"Thanks, sky. I gotta go, Harry wants to talk to you already" I said, "don't tell anyone yet okay?"

"Of course, and you are very welcome. Keep safe and goodluck with her."

"Thanks, bye!"


I crossed my fingers as I walked in the studio where we had the meet and greet session. There were a few people still there, probably cleaning up for the next day of the show.

"uhm, excuse me" I spoke softly to the woman mopping the floor, "is there any chance you saw this registration paper with the people who met us earlier? At the meet&greet?" I asked,

"Oh my god! You're Niall Horan! Yes, I saw the paper !! I was actually the one who wrote their names..." She was happy seeing me, it was that obvious.

"Really!? May I have the paper for a sec,"

"Of course! But can we take a selfie first? I have to go home now," She said as I agreed.

She gave me the paper and said that I could have it. I thanked her of course. Then she said goodbye to me.

I looked at the paper and saw how the writing was a bit hard to read but as I looked at the back page, there were only two names left. And I remembered that she was second to the last to meet us, as I read her name out loud which was: Maddison Pears.

Her name was as beautiful as her petite face. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder as I quickly turned around.

"You,uh, looking for me?" she had an American accent that I adore in girls. She suited it well too. She still wore the same outfit I saw earlier. She now had a messy bun. A perfect one though. She brought the butterflies back alive.

"Uh," I stuttered, I was at a loss of words.

"You okay?" She said as I nodded immediately, my mouth left wide open.

"I,uhm, I was just..." I stuttered. Again.

Why did I act like this? She was just a girl. Just the most beautiful girl you've ever seen though, said my subconcious. Well it was right.

"I was just wondering.." I said, "if you wanna catch up with me or somethin, like coffee or..." I was sweating with entire nervousity. This is so hard.

"Sure." She interrupted.

My eyes widen at her answer as I looked straight at her hazel eyes. "Pardon me?" I played dumb.

"I said," She spoke up, "it would be a pleasure." she smiled at me. Dang it! She looked so gorgeous.

"That's great then," I giggled with her.

This might be a long day, and I'm sure I'll be remembering every single thing.

A/N: New character again.

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