LI. Teasers.

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Eryll Gail

My ex-boyfriend is here with us right now. And by us, I meant me, Skylar, my ex's wife, and my soon-to-be-husband, who is now jealous. That was actually one of the things why I love Ash, how a simple thing would affect him and his feelings.

Yes, he could hurt someone but at least he only speaks the truth and only the damn truth.

I told Jerome to hold up and wait for me because I had to talk to Ash for a second.

"Hey," I told him as he only lifted his head up.

"What," he muttered as I smell someone being jealous. Are you kidding me babe? Right now?

"Is he gonna be okay?" Jerome interrupted the both of us as he simply gritted his teeth in annoyance.

"I think so." I said to him. I called for Skylar to go with Ash now before anything bad might even happen.

"Yeah, sure. Let's go big brother," Skylar said to Ashton who then followed her to the door, as he never left contact with my eyes.

They both left the apartment as Jerome guided Caroline to their room to finally let her rest.

Once he's done his part, he returned to the living room, where I was.

"Hey there," he said as I gave him my warmest smile. I guess I just have to relive all my shit.

"Hi." That was all I could I say to him, after everything.

"So, how's life after..." he muttered.

"My life has been amazing, thanks for asking. Yours?"


Well this can't get any awkward.

After talking about how life has been, and what's changed, he said something I never imagined him saying.

"I'm so sorry, Eryll." He apologized, with his sincere expression. I knew him too well, I mean, I almost married the guy so that's maybe a mistake I'll probably regret my whole freaking life.

"Its all okay now.." I honestly answered. Everything really worked out for me after all that shit in the past and I've actually learned something, it's to not trust jerks and assholes.

"No its not okay, Eryll." He argued, "I fucked up!"

"Everyone fucks up from time to time, Jer," I called him by his nickname by accident but I wouldn't take it back.

"I know but that wasn't just a mistake, it was a huge fucked up mistake and I'm really sorry," he breathed out. "and if only I can turn back time.."

"I wouldn't actually enjoy that, Jer. I'm happy now. 'M very, very happy."

He half-smiled at me as I do the same.

I guess it was all meant for this to happen.

He stood up as he opened up his arms for me to hug him, just like old times. So I did. I hugged him like never before. It was a comfortable hug.

All I need now is rest. Like, right now.


According to my jealous soon-to-be-husband, he told me to stay as calm as possible for his surprise. After me and Jerome's massive understanding, Ash asked me to go down the hotel, which was the lobby. I knew for a fact that I had to be surprised as hell and I'm pretty sure I will.

He pulled out a black sheet of cloth. "What is that?"

"A blindfold, honey."

"For what?"

"You'll see,"

And after five minutes of walking, we finally got at our destination.

He then took off the blindfold, as I looked at the place he brought me. A fancy restaurant.

"Looks fancy, smells fancy, and it feels fancy, Ash.." I said worriedly.

"Don't worry, baby. I got all of this covered."

"You know I hate-" I was stunned of what was all infront of me. I didn't know it was just a pizza place. It was fancy on the outside and it was classy on the inside. I guess we shouldn't really judge a book by its cover.

"Wow," I was amazed. I was smiling so high because of Ash's surprise. Great thing about it, was that I was really surprised.

I hope it will all get well in the end of every chapter of my life. Its really good to know that you are well, even just for a day. I would kill to see everyone I love being happy for a damn day.

If you really want something, live for it. And love it with all your heart.

I kissed him hard knowing that he will kiss me back. And he did, even harder than I started.

I was happy. I was weird that time.

"Thank you, Ash" I thanked him.

"Its just pizza, hun--"

"no, not that. Thanks for finding me at New York."

"Thanks for talking back.." And we laughed all night long.

There was this guy who has been checking me out all night long but I didn't give a shit. But of course, Ash did.

He moved closer to me as he leaned in to my neck and sipped all the nurturing delight he could find.

I gasped at the thought of him doing that because of the random guy checking me out.

"No one can check you out like that, expect for me, Clarke." He said. It was a bit strange why he used my last name but I still loved my jealous fiancé.

"Okay captain jealous." I teased him.

"Wanna play, huh," he played too.

He put his hand directly on my thigh. I knew I shouldn't have wore a dress, and the worst was this was his favorite dress to take off on me.

"Ash, baby, please don't tease me. You know I can't do this.." I whispered, not wanting anyone else to even hear it.

"What am I doing?" He played dumb as he moved his hand up, closer to my weak spot. It was actually one of my weak spots. And Ash knew my all-time weak spot, it was behind my ear. I was nervous because I almost moaned when he got a hold of underwear. Did he even have to do this here? And why the freaking now?

I had one answer for all of this to stop for a minute. It was to tease him back.

And so I did.

I leaned into his ear and whispered, "Got a minute in the restroom? My bra isn't clasped anymore" in the most sexiest voice I had. Then he immediately held on to his so-called friend, as he softly moaned by my move.

"What was that for?"

"Told you not to tease me.."



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