VI. Bad dream gone good.

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Harry Styles

Its almost a stressful day right now in all that's happened. First was Chachi's breakdown, then not seeing Skylar. But I'd like to thank the boys for being here because if they didn't come today, we'd be in school.

I walked out of the living room to get some drinks for all of us, but it weren't enough.

"We don't have enough drinks." I shouted.

"Then let's all buy some." Louis said as we all ran to the door and went straight to the car. "Good thing we have a van." Zayn said as he chuckled.

Louis took the keys of the van inside the house and went to the garage to get it. As we wait for him, we talked about our surprise for Louis' football match. We told him we weren't going to come because we were all busy on that day, but the truth is we just wanted to surprise him. We'll be in disguise of course.

Within seconds, Louis came out with the van. "Get in." he said as his head was out of the window.

We ran to the van, and Niall opened the sliding door as they all enter. I was at the passenger seat because I find it cool being there.

As we drove downtown, I turned on the radio. I check up on every song, the first song was Blank Space and we got all the nerve to sing it like how Taylor did.

Next was Sing by our mate Ed Sheeran. "Oh ah oh sing!" Calum and Niall sang in tune as we all shout in laughter. We couldn't be more happier than the thought of not being together. Its always been a dream of mine to have guy friends that you could prank anytime and anywhere, and even getting drunk with them. I thought about stuff that really matter to me now like Skylar. I wanted to see her today but I just have to be strong of not seeing her.

I just hope tomorrow would be really different, and by different I mean fun and exciting.

"Hey! Isn't that Chachi?" Zayn said as we look where he was pointing, causing me to mess up my deep thoughts.

"Where?" Michael asked.

He pointed near his window. "There!" as we look outside, making Louis stop the car. There she was at a drug store, as usual, with her motorcycle. She was about to enter, until Matt came. They high-fived each other and started talking.

After that, they both went in. I was in shock to see her in a drug store. I just hope she's not sick.

"who's that guy?" Michael asked.

"He's Matt. He's like a brother to Chachi and skylar." I answered as he sighed, making me wonder why.

"Maybe you guys should meet them before we buy our drinks.." I said, as the four nodded.

"and food." Niall blurted out as he chuckled.

Louis drove to the drug store. As he parked it, we all waited patiently in the car.

In a matter of minutes, Chachi and Matt went out of that place as their faces were kinda' bit low.

"Chachi! Matt!" Liam shouted.

They both looked for whoever called them but within seconds they saw us. "Boys!" Chachi said, as she tried to smile.

"Bros!" Matt said, making us smile at him.

"Could you guys get in the van? Someone might see us." Louis asked, as they both looked at each other then to us and nodded.

They both came in and was shocked to see the 5sos lads. "woah, huge fan brothas" Matt said as they thanked him.

"wow! This must be an unusual day for me but uh.. Pleasure to meet you boys." Chachi sarcastically said. "I'm-

"Chachi. Nice meeting you." Michael butted in as he held out his hand. They shook hands properly.

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