XXXVII. The good stuff

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Skylar Dallas

"wake up, sky!" the first thing I heard that obviously woke me up. I groaned in annoyance as the familiar sound of my annoying sister waking me up had been turning up so loud now.

"what the fuck do you want, grey?" she kept on wiggling me as the bed kept on shaking as well.

"I just want to annoy you.." She said as she kept repeating the words 'wake up' while shaking me.

"Bloody hell, Grey!" I groaned.

With one more shake, I woke up. I opened up my eyes, my fists were balling up, my teeth gritted tight. "Hi," She teased as I grabbed a pillow and threw it at her face earning an 'ouch' from her.

"Told you not to do that," I smiled at her.

"I just like to annoy you."

"Whatevs." I answered.


Grey and I only had morning class that was why I tried my best to keep up with everything we missed since the trip. Lewis wasn't even mad at us, in fact, he was concerned and worried. I told him everything that happened and it was somehow true. But that part where we took a trip, that was the part where it all came true. I told him that Grey and I needed a trip because of all the stress.

He even asked me if things with Harry and I being a couple was working for me, and I said yes. Of course, I knew how I feel towards Harry and nothing can stop me from it.

"I guess you girls need some following up to do then." He said, "right now"

"Yeah, sure Lew" I answered as my sister and I walked out of class and went to our hiding place, the rooftop. No one is actually allowed to go up there, even us, but we have our ways with the guy who guards it.

I plopped down and sat my ass on the floor. It was a sunny day, the air felt right, and the sound of the usual birds that chirped up here were present.

I felt like I was in a movie where it was the moment you miss your partner. You get to be worried of what he's doing or what he's even up to or if he's just safe.

"Some things just never change, huh?" She asked as I rest my head on the wall.

"Yep." I answered, smiling at her.

I knew that alot has changed between me and Grey. We've met alot of new people from the cause of my clumsiness, and that meant bumping into people. That day was memorable to me because that was the day everything changed.

"Remeber that time when you bumped into Harry?" She suddenly asked.

"Yeah" I said, "I'll never forget that day."

"Me too." we sat there for about a half an hour, just talking about everything that life gave us. And how we never regretted anything yet.

"I just can't believe in two weeks we'll graduate now," She grunted as I agreed. My sister and I planned to just lay low for awhile but have jobs that don't give us bullshit. And I mean bad stuff. We just wanted to stick with being good until we die, I guess. We don't want the lads and the girls to see us as the old us again. They were very supportive for us. They even understood us the first time they met us, even Shey.

"I'd be with Matt for awhile" I said as she only nodded slowly.

"I think I'll go with Cameron," She said as my eyes grew wide.

"don't forget to bring your taser at all times then." I said as we let out giggles.

In about two minutes of wondering what else to talk about, we heard the bell ring. It was time for us to head home and just do the follow-up tomorrow.

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