XLVIII. Security

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Skylar Dallas

"He even asked me about kids, bruh" I said as my sister and I work-out with our bodies in the gym.

After Harry's knee accident, we played this game called twenty questions and I was shocked with how he played it well. The first few questions were as easy as pie but when we got over the line, damn he played it good. He played it like no one has ever done before. I was only thinking about his questions but it all got further and the real thing that was going on was how my body and I reacted to everything he did. He actually made me think about love being this powerful shitty thing that will take control of the person itself. I guess he took control of me, and I loved it.

My sister was looking at me like a creep. Yes, I was already aware of what he was thinking but why the hell didn't I stop him? Was I really an idiot in love? Well at least when I fall in love, I fall deep.

"Um, what about kids?" She asked as she tried to do squats for making her ass look bigger. I still think her ass is already fine, not because I'm her bestfriend-slash-sister but I just do.

"Well, he asked me if I wanted kids in the future and I just said yes but only one or two." I answered in all honesty I have.

She smiled and muttered an 'aww' after.

I guess I already knew what was going on with me but I still don't know how to tell it to others. I guess when I'm ready, I'm ready.


Chachi Grey

Working out with my sister at the gym is very relaxing and at the same time, very challenging. I had to maintain my fitness from all the drama that's going on with me and Mikey.

We haven't spoken for about a week now because of our fight.

He had this friend that I conquered as a girl, and he denies the fact where they haven't hung out yet. While being the stubborn person I am, fought for my side.

"How are you and Mikey though?" She asked as she ran her ass on the treadmill. Its her favorite thing in a gym.

"We haven't spoken yet,"

"Its because the both of you are stubborn."

I nodded and understood where she was definitely going. And she was right. If my own boyfriend couldn't make the first move, I just had to do it. Besides, I couldn't even resist him anymore, and I totally miss him. I just hope he felt the same thing.


We got home just in time for dinner but my sister and I only ate a banana and an apple. What would you expect? We would eat tons of food? Hell no.

Bailfire, Simon, and Paul knew how to keep themselves busy while guarding us, and its by watching the telly.

"Found anything interesting guys?" I asked as Bail nodded.

"Yeah, we have Taylor's new music video here." Simon spoke up as we looked at the tv. I saw my sister doing a head-bang, well Swift had this power to make a person do something weird and fun at the same time, only with her songs.

"cos baby now we got bad blood," Paul sang as we laughed.

Eventually, the five of us spended our times with each other to make some deals which all regarded to our family. My sister and I called the three of them to get to know them more, and vice versa.

"So why'd you call us again?" Bail asked, out of a sudden, which Sky had to handle.

"um, we just wanted to know you guys more.." She answers, as she looks at me. "and we just want our family to be safe."

The three of them nodded. "Have you girls experienced tough shit before?" Simon said as me and my sister giggled.

"Shittier than you'd expect," I said.


"I shot two people in the head just to keep a little girl alive," My sister answered.

"woah," the three were in shock.

"..'sal true" I said, "And I saved a bad guy, so I tracked him down and killed him." I answered.

"You what?!"

"I know, pretty shitty huh?" my sister defended.

"I dunno how you would trust us but you have to believe us that we didn't mean for those to happen." my sister explained. Yes this wasn't right to do, we should have told our family first but we want the three to know us better and give us a chance to entrust our lives more. And what we've done before.

"Please believe us." I pleaded as they looked at the both of us.

"Okay, we believe you girls." Bail said. We both smiled at them.

"So what's the point in all of this then?" Paul asked as I ran a hand through my hair.

"We just want you guys to trust us, we don't want anything bad to happen to the lads and our girlfriends," I said.

"They mean the world to us, guys" She spoke as they nodded.

"We'll do everything we can to protect all of them." Simon said.

"Thank you," I said.

"It means a lot." she added.

I guess this trust thing is all getting along great, I just hope they would all do it right. And I hope this plan works.



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