Chapter 14

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It was early in the morning. Hallie and Max were in bed in his hotel room. They'd just finished having sex for the second time and came out from under the covers.

"Well good morning to you to honey." She said smiling. "We have to get up."

"I know." "I'm just gonna miss you like crazy."

"I'll miss you to." They kissed.

Max walked her to the door.

"You can stay here and shower with me if you want."

"We both know what will happen if we do that."

"Come here." He hugged her for about ten seconds.

"Aw." They kissed. "I love you."

"I love you too." "I wish you could come with me."

"Me to." "Bye."

"Bye." She left.

Max was going on a week long media tour for AEW.

The next morning Sam was in his hotel bathroom brushing his teeth. Suddenly his memory came back full like a tidal wave. He remembered everything. Including the way he'd treated Hallie. He was surprised she wasn't the one who filed for divorce. He felt terrible for how he treated her.

The next night Hallie was in her hotel room talking to Max.

"I'm going to change and go to bed honey." Hallie said.

"Ok baby." "Goodnight, I love you."

"Goodnight, I love you too." "Bye."

"Bye." They hung up.

Just as Hallie was about to change into her pajamas she got a text. It read.

Come to my room please. I have something to tell you. It's very important. - Sam

No Sam. - Hallie

Please Hal, five minutes. - Sam

Two minutes later Sam heard a knock on his door. He answered it. Hallie was standing there. She went inside.

"What is it?" She asked.

"My memory came back yesterday." "I remember everything."

"That's great." "I'm happy for you, really." "Goodbye." She turned to leave.

"Wait." She turned back around. "Remembering the baby really, really hurts."

"I know."

"I think you were right." "It would've been a girl." "I was terrible to you Hallie." "I don't know what was worse, screaming at you or ignoring you." "None of that was about you." "I was grieving over the baby." "I was angry and hurting and I took it out on you." "I'm so sorry, you didn't deserve that." "I filed for divorce because I knew I couldn't be the husband you needed or deserved." "Why didn't you file?" "I wouldn't have blamed you."

Hallie couldn't believe Sam was apologizing. "Even though I knew they wouldn't, I was hoping things would go back to normal." "I didn't want to leave you." "I loved you." "I never cheated on you." "I want you to know that." "The first time I slept with Max was three months ago." "Well into our divorce proceedings."

"Something didn't change when my memory came back." "I love you Hallie." She turned and walked away to leave. He went after her and turned her around to face him. "I never stopped loving you." "I know with everything I put you through and everything I said, it's hard for you to believe me, but it's true." "I love you, I miss you, I'm so lonely without you and it hurts." "I just want to be your sweetheart again." "I want you back." "I want us back."

"This isn't fair." She said tearfully. "Why couldn't you tell me this when we were still married?"

"I was being to much of a stubborn asshole to realize what I was throwing away."

"It's to late, I'm with Max now." "I love him."

"You know that what we have is better."

"We don't have anything anymore." "Max would never abandon me."

"Neither will I, never again." He kissed her. She kissed him back, kissing very intensely for the next couple minutes. Breaking it suddenly they went into the bedroom and laid down on the bed, kissing immediately after. They took off each other's shirts. He rolled her over, got behind her and started kissing her down her back. She moaned. He could feel the goosebumps on her skin. Continuing until he got to her waist, he rolled her on her back. He slowly took off her jeans, doing the same with her panties. She moaned continually as he kissed and licked his way up her legs. "Ohhhh." She moaned as she felt his tongue inside her. He was turned on more and more hearing her moans. She was in absolute euphoria. After a few minutes he went faster. "Oh my god, mmmmm, yes, ohhhh." She moaned giving in. He came back up to her. As they kissed she took off his jeans and boxers. "Ohhh-Hallie." They both moaned simultaneously as he slipped inside her. He moved slowly. They kissed. Over time he went faster. "Sam, Sam ohhhh." She moaned. "Oh Hallie." He groaned. "Oh god, Sam  that feels... She said in a moaning voice. "What baby, tell me." He said. They kissed. "Amazing, Sam." She moaned giving in. "I love you, Hallie." He groaned giving in.

After a few seconds she went to get up. Sam stopped her.

"Mm-mm." He said.

"I have to pee sw-Sam." He let her up. When she came back Sam was smiling. "What?"

"You were gonna call me sweetheart."

"No I wasn't."

"Were so."

She smiled. "Shut up."

"I love you."

"I'm not saying it back."

"I don't care." He kissed her. She fell asleep in his arms.

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