Chapter 50

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Hallie's birthday was in two days. The only one she would have on that day was Penelope. The other kids would be with Max.

Penelope was on the floor playing with her toys. Max Jr. was on the couch on his phone.

"Maxie play." She said.

"Ok." He put his phone down and sat down on the floor. "What do you want to play?"


Twenty minutes later Hallie and the girls came home. Hallie was holding a pizza. She'd picked Melissa up from basketball practice and Ashley from cheerleading practice.

"Max, can you please put your sister in her hi-chair?" Hallie asked.

"Sure mom." He picked her up. "Want some pizza Penelope?"

"Roni?" Penelope asked.

"Mom, does the pizza have pepperoni?"

"Yes." She said.

That Friday after the kids went with Max, Hallie and Penelope got on a plane to Oregon. After checking into the hotel Hallie and Penelope went to Andrea's house.

The next morning was Hallie's birthday. She, Penelope and Andrea all went out for breakfast. Hallie and Andrea agreed that after Sam's match Andrea would take Penelope home and she would spend the night.

Later that night at the arena Hallie, Penelope and Andrea had just walked into Sam's locker room. Hallie smiled when she saw a cake on a table in the room. She looked at Sam.

"What did you do?" She asked.

"Happy birthday." She hugged him.

"Thank you."

"Hi daddy." Penelope said.


After the show Hallie and Sam rode the elevator together. Sam walked Hallie to her door. She invited him in.

Hallie and Sam were sitting on the couch. They'd just finished watching a movie.

"I can't believe I'm fifty." She said.

"No one would ever suspect."

"At least I have the kids to make me happy."

"You're not happy?"

"I've come to terms with that fact that I'm gonna be alone for the rest of my life." "It just gets lonely sometimes." I also don't have the time or patience for dating."

"You could date if you wanted to."

"Both of my most meaningful relationships turned to shit."

"Ours was my fault."

"Not completely."


"It's been seventeen years today since you proposed to me."

"I know."

"Did you think I would say yes?"

"I wasn't sure, even if you hadn't I would've still stayed with you." He leaned over and kissed her. She kissed him back. They made out for a few minutes before he broke it. Without saying a word they got up and went into the bedroom.

Slowly they kissed and undressed each other, until they were both naked and he was on top of her on the bed. They both stopped looking at each other lovingly for a few seconds.

"Ow." She said lowly as he slipped inside her.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, it's just because I haven't for a long time." They kissed.

Two hours later he was holding her.

"It feels nice to do this with you and not feel guilty, for once." She said.

"You don't regret this do you?"

"No, I actually feel good and relaxed." "More relaxed then I've felt in a long time." "You don't have to, but you can stay."

"I'm going to." They kissed.

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