Chapter 11

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The next morning Max had tried to call Hallie. He was concerned because she never answered him last night, and today her phone went straight to voicemail.

Meanwhile throughout Hallie and Sam's house they were having sex in the shower, after Sam had decided to join her.

A half hour later they came downstairs and into the kitchen.

"There's my phone." She said. When she picked it up she realized it was dead.

"Scrambled eggs Hal?"

"Sure." "I'll be right back." She went up to the bedroom and plugged her phone into the charger. Then she went out to get the mail. She took a big manila envelope out of the mailbox. She opened it. Inside were the finalization papers.

Hallie went back into the house and upstairs with the papers. She checked her phone and it came on. She saw she had a voicemail from Max. She listened to it.

"Hey baby." Max said on the voicemail. "I'm freaking out a little bit." "I'm worried about you." "Call me back as soon as you get this, please." "I love you baby."

Hallie started to cry feeling extremely guilty. After she composed herself she called Max.

"Hello?" He said.

"It's me." She said.

"Thank god." "Where have you been?"

"I fell asleep last night and my phone died."

"I was getting worried."

"I'm sorry honey."

"I'm just glad you're ok."

"Guess what, the papers came."

"Finally." "I'll call and book the cabin for this weekend."

"Great." "I have to go, but I love you."

"I love you too." "Bye."

"Bye " they hung up.

Halie booked a flight to Portland and began to pack. Since she was always on the road she was already sort of packed.

"Breakfast is ready." Sam called up the stairs.

"I'll be right down."

Hallie decided that they should have a nice breakfast before she told him the papers came. They'd just finished eating.

"Sam, um, our divorce is finalized." "The papers came today." "I booked a flight to Portland, I leave in three hours."

"Hal, no please."

"I have to go finish packing." She stood up and started to leave the room.

"Come back here, we need to talk."

"We'll talk after I pack." She went upstairs.

A half hour later Hallie came back down the stairs with the rest of her things. Sam came up to her.

"Don't go." He said.

"I have to."

"No you don't."

"We don't work anymore Sam."

"What was last night and this morning then?"

"Me holding on to someone who isn't there anymore."

"Bullshit, it wouldn't have happened if you didn't still love me."

"I don't." He stood in front of her.

"You don't?"

"No." He kissed her. She started to kiss him back but broke it. "Stop."

"Are you talking to me, or yourself?"

"I don't love you anymore Sam, I love Max."

"You didn't seem to love him when we were making love."

"Well I do."

"Can't you see he manipulated you?" "He moved in when you were at your most vulnerable."

"You're wrong, he loves me."

"Stay with me." "I promise things will be different."

"Until you get your memory back."

"No, I swear I won't go back to treating you that way." "I love you Hallie." "No matter what you say, I know you love me."

"No." "Even if you are different, you've proven to me, that when I really need you, you won't be there, you'll abandon me." She took off her wedding ring and gave it to him. "Bye Sam." She went to the door.

"Hallie, no, I love you." He wiped his eyes. That made her start to cry. She left.

Sitting in her car Hallie broke into tears.

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