Chapter 1

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Alex's POV (picture above)

I sighed walking down the street to Starbucks. It was 5:38 in the morning and my manager planned a photo-shoot for me an my boyfriend, James. I was happy to have a photo shoot it's just I don't like having them scheduled at 6:00 in the morning. I need my beauty sleep, I may be a model but that doesn't mean I'm pretty without my sleep. Anyway I was doing my normal coffee run I always go to Starbucks, it's how I start my day.

After my coffee run I had to speed down to Malibu beach cause that's where the photoshoot is.
As I walking down the beach to the closed off area I heard some yell but I could make it out. Two seconds layer I was on the ground.
"I am so sorry Miss let me help you with that!" A boy worriedly helped pick up my belongings and handed them to me.
"Ms.Lawley are you okay?" My assistant Mark came running up the beach to my side.
"Your last name is Lawley?" the boy asked.
"Excuse me Sir I'm going to need you to back away Ms.Lawley has a very important photoshoot. And she cannot look like a dump."
"Hey Kian where did you go!" another boy yelled to whom I am assuming is Kian.
"Oh I um I uh coming!" Kian quickly picked up his penny board and went running towards his friends.
"Mark that boy has a very familiar face. It's like I've seen him before even though this is the first time I've ever saw him."
"Don't be ridiculous Ms.Lawley. Now let us go. Your boyfriend awaits."
"Yeah my 'boyfriend'" I rolled my eyes as we got up I kept thinking about the guy I ran into. He was so curious about my last name and his face I
Couldn't pin point it but he looked like some one I know.
"Hey babe" James said pushing my thoughts away.
"Hi James." I said hugging him lightly.
He grabbed my hand and showed me to my wardrobe tent with a rack of 12 different bathing suit options.
"Um why so many?" I asked.
"They wanted you to have variety so if you didn't like one you could pick another."
"Oh right... well I'm gonna change now and I'll meet you out there okay?"
"Yeah sure babe!"
He ran down the beach and I grabbed the first bathing suit I saw.
I quickly changed and met James down by the water the quicker we do things the quicker I can leave. I have a pretty free schedule today other than this and I would like to use that towards my advantage.

Once the photo shoot was over I quickly ran to my tent and changed back to my outfit from earlier. Can this day go by any slower?

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