Chapter 19

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Alex's POV

I ran around for awhile with the boys along the shore then walked back to our stuff to tan for awhile. At least I tried. Of course with these boys I should have known tanning was out of the picture. I laid down for five seconds before they picked me up and threw me in the ocean.

I used to be a swimmer in high school so I stayed under the water for awhile. After 30 seconds I came back up for air and all the guys had a look of relief on their face.

"GOTCHA!" I yelled. They all playfully pushed me and we swam back to shore.

We were all walking up when Sammy grabbed my arm and held me back.

"Alex I would like to tell you something." He seemed nervous

"Sure anything Sammy!" I said

"Hanging out with you is so much fun and it makes me so happy that I am so close with you but I don't like being just friends. I guess I'm asking if you would be my girlfriend." Sammy smiled.

"I would love that."

Sammy leaned down and kissed me and it felt magical. I am really lucky to have him in my life.

"Hey there is a party tonight at my friend Skate's house all of us should go yeah?"

"That sound like a great idea."

We walked to the car and told all the guys the plan they agreed to a party and we were on our way.
We arrived moments later and we were at a huge mansion with half of the house being windows it was nice. I grabbed Sammy's hand and walked inside.

"Babe would you like anything to drink?" Sammy asked

"Yes please." I said and Sammy walked off into the unfamiliar house. He came back with our drinks and it looked like just water so I took a huge gulp and I was wrong. It was vodka with a tiny hint of beer. I'm made sour face and after a few more sips I was used to it. Sammy on the other hand chugged his drink and it was gone in seconds. I stayed by his side not wanting anything to happen to me or him.

"Wanna dance." Sammy asked.

"Sure." I took his hand and we went to the dance floor.

We were so terrible at dancing it was incredible. I was laughing so hard.
We've been dancing for about ten minutes so I told Sammy I'll be right back. I went to the kitchen and got myself another drink and watched Sammy as he was dancing like it was his life.

I woke up the next day in an unfamiliar room. I took of my cover and looked around. Sammy was laying next to me and i was wearing his shirt from last night. I grabbed my clothes from yesterday and went to the bathroom. I changed back into them although I really like Sammy's shirt. Before I walked out I looked for some aspirin cause my head started killing me. Ugh I probably have a hangover from last night I must've had one too many drinks. Today seems like a slow day. I'll probably sleep all day but ya never know.

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