Chapter 26

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Alex's POV

So I decided not to go to the party. I may not have wanted the baby that much before but I actually think being a mom might be fun. I still didn't tell Sammy I was pregnant yet so I plan on telling him in a few weeks when I find out the gender. Or if he gets all his memory back before then, I'll tell him. But right now I'm at home watching Netflix and eating ice cream. I was home alone which kind of freaks me out since I'm normally with people all the time but hearing the noises that happen all day everyday except 20x louder is the scariest thing ever. I swear I thought somebody opened the front door at one moment but I can promise there is nobody else here. I think. When my movie was over I turned on pretty little liars cause I need to catch up before January when season 7 comes out. I really don't think there is much of a point in me watching it though since I made the mistake of going on twitter while it was airing on tv but I want to see it for myself.

~3 hours later~

I was ready to fall asleep watching my third episode of pretty little liars when I heard the front door open. And this time I wasn't hearing things it fucking opened. I looked over the couch and at the door I couldn't see anybody. I swear if the guys play another prank on me it's war. I finally decided to start a group convo with everybody and asked them if they were home they all said no and asked why. So I told them how the door opened and now I'm scared. Kian said he would come how as fast as he can. And so did most of the others. But right I wanna know who is in my house?

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