Chapter 33

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Alex's POV

Sammy and I left the hospital with the nurse telling us our baby was perfectly healthy. We also got to set the due date which is in May I set it for the 16th figuring the baby would be born a few days before. I wanted a date kinda close to when the actual 9 months is over. I'm just happy it's only a few months away and I can see my child.

"Sammy are you coming with me tomorrow to pick up everybody's parents from the airport?" I asked

"I can if you want I mean I probably should since my parents are flying in tomorrow." He answered.

"Okay. Would you like to sleepover?"

"Anywhere I'm with you is where I wanna be."

"Sammy you are cute but so incredibly cheesy." I laughed.

"You love me." He smiled.

"How could I not." I kissed him on the cheek and we walked upstairs and into my room so we could go to sleep. It was only 8 o'clock but we stay up and talk for a few hours until we end up falling asleep. Kinda like if you were to FaceTime someone and then fall asleep while you're still on FaceTime.
We got to my room then Sammy sat down while I threw him a pair of basketball shorts that he keeps here for when he stays the night. I grabbed a pair of my shorts and one of Sammy's old shirts that he gave to me. I almost always sleep in his shirts it makes me so happy and it makes me feel like he's with me even if he's on tour or far away. We have only been dating for 3 months but I love him. A lot.

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