Chapter 9

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Alex's POV

It's been a week since Kian and I picked out the house and we all move in tomorrow we texted all the boys of our choice and told them what was happening and if they wanted to live with us or not. All of them said yes so I'm super excited to live with them I hope none of them hate me though. Or think I'm ugly. OMG what if they think I'm a freak!
Breathe Alex breathe. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. I need to stop stressing and keep my cool who cares if they don't like me as long as Dylan thinks I'm cool I'm fine. Wow this is the first time in forever I've felt this way about someone I better not screw this up.

~the next day~

I woke up bright and early today so I can pick out my bedroom first I know that's selfish but I am mainly paying for this house so they can get whatever room they want after I get mine. I threw on some sweatpants and a t-shirt I will change when I get there. I have to make myself look presentable for the guys but not for the ride there. I arrived at the house with all my luggage at around 8 am. I started bringing stuff yesterday so I only had my clothes and two boxes left. But when I brought my boxes I jut set them by the door and not in an actual room so now I need to do that.

I ran upstairs and found the biggest room. It had a two walk in closets and a bathroom. I grabbed all my bags and brought them up there. Next I grabbed the box that holds all the part to reconstruct my dresser. I decided to put that together first to get most of my clothes out of the way.
As I was putting in my last drawer I heard the doorbell ring and got so excited. I opened the door to see none other than Dylan Dauzat I thought for sure Kian would be here before him to potentially "clam my nerves"

"Hey Alex!" Dylan said opening his arms for a hug.
I gladly accepted and melted right into his arms.

"So I assumed you have picked out your room."

"Yeah I picked the one on the second floor at the end of the hall. There is a room about the same size down here if you want a big room."

"I think I'm gonna look upstairs."

He winked then walked up the stairs and down the same hallway that my room is down. I mean it could just be a coincidence but he know what hall it's down and there is only one more room over there.

"This room is really nice" Dylan yelled "I think that one will do."

"But you didn't even look at the rest."

"Don't need to its perfect."

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