Chapter 34

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Alex's POV

I woke up with Sammy's arms wrapped around me like a leash. Besides the fact I am being squeezed to death I wouldn't mind sleeping like this. I tried lightly removing his hands so I could go down stairs. I got him to let go and replaced my body with a pillow. I glanced at myself in the mirror looking at my baby bump. It's just starting to get noticeable. Sammy thinks my belly is really cute which I find funny. I walked down to the kitchen where I made myself a fruit smoothie. I have been drinking smoothies for breakfast a lot lately. They are just addicting. They also remind me of high school, we had a smoothie shop on the second floor. I smiled. I love remembering high school it's when I first got noticed by some magazines. I started modeling for Forever21 catalogues. That's when my life was much simpler but I don't regret anything. I snapped out of thought when I heard footsteps. I thought it was Sammy so I threw in some extra fruit to the smoothie knowing he would want some. I looked up to see Kian he looked sad.

"Kian are you okay?" I asked going over to hug him.

"No...... No I'm not okay."  He said almost in tears.  Then continued.

"This girl her name was Brianna. We have been hanging out lately. She lead me on to believe she liked me so I asked her out and she said no. And wanna know why because she has a fucking boyfriend." He slammed his hands down in the table in frustration.

"Kian I'm so sorry. You deserve so much better. You know what I have a friend named Justin. You guys should hangout he went through something like this. You guys should talk. I'll invite him to thanksgiving."

"How do you have so many friends I've never heard of and where does Justin even live? We are not paying for another persons flight."

"He lives 20 minutes away. Plus the only thing he would be doing for thanksgiving would be sitting at his house since he couldn't find a flight home on time."

"Fine but I'm not sharing a room."

I gave him a stern look as if to say he was, since almost everybody is.

"You can share with mom Kiki. We could even put a blow up mattress in your room."


He walked away and I finished blending my smoothie. Tonight I'll call Justin I'm sure he is in the recording studio right now. So I shouldn't bother him.

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