Chapter 16

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Alex's POV

Yesterday Dylan and I fell asleep having a Disney movie marathon and I always wake up with a smile next to him. I looked over at him to see he was asleep. I carefully got up from the bed and walked out of the room trying to make as little noise as possible so Dylan wouldn't wake up. I went down stairs and grabbed Nutella and bread from the pantry. I made four pieces of nutella covered bread knowing that Dylan would wake up and want some so I put two on my plate and two on another.
I waited for Dylan so we could eat together so I carried our two plates to the couch and grabbed us both waters. I turned on the tv and took the blanket from the top of the couch since I was as little cold. I turned on Netflix, and put on Big Hero 6. This movie literally makes me bawl my eyes out.

By the time Dylan actually woke up and came down the stairs I was crying so hard cause it was at the part where Tadashi dies. Dylan heard me crying and came over to see if I was okay. All I did was point to the tv and shake my head no. He laughed and looked down at the table seeing two sandwiches and two waters.

"Did you make me breakfast babe?" Dylan asked.

"Yeah I knew you would want one if I was eating one." I set my head on his shoulder.

When the movie was done all the boys were down stairs and Matthew took a seat next to me.

"I'm going to see my friend Jack, Jack and Sammy today would you like to come." He asked

"Sure! I would love to." I said hopping off the couch and going upstairs to change.

I put on a Adventure Time crop top and a skater skirt with white converse. I went to my mirror and ran my brush threw my hair. My hair had beachy waves in it so I left them instead of normally straightening my hair.

I went back down stairs and kissed Dylan goodbye. I walked to Matt's car and opened the passenger door getting in shorty after Matt got in the drivers side and we were off to go see his friends.

About half an hour later we arrived at there their house and it was big. Two story house and only three people living here. Wow.

We walked in the door and Matthew yelled for the guys to come down. Following them down the stairs was this girl who look very familiar I'm pretty sure we have done a photo shoot before. Matthew said hi to all of them as I stood there not knowing if I should introduce myself or if Matthew would.
"Oh um guys this is Alex. She's super cool and fun. Alex this is Jack J, Jack G, Sammy, and Madison. Madison is Jack G's girlfriend."

"Haven't we done a photo shoot together for Vogue?" I asked Madison.

"Oh yeah! I remember it was last summer!" Madison gave me hug and I hugged all of the other guys.

"Okay I just have to ask this one question." Sammy smiled, "Are you single?"

"Actually no I have a boyfriend we've been dating for about a week."

Sammy's smile left his face.

"Matt why didn't you bring her to meet us a week ago?!" Sammy asked.

"I didn't know I was suppose to."

We all laughed and got to know each other. It was really fun and I can't wait to do it again.

Dedicated to: @anais74 and @lauraflores11

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