Chapter 35

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Alex's POV

After talking to Kian I took the smoothies and I walked quietly into my room and set them on the bedside table. I then jumped on top of Sammy to wake him up.

"Babee" he groaned as he flipped over on his side.

"Hey I made you a smoothie and you better start getting ready because we are picking up your parents today." I kissed him on the cheek then grabbed some clothes for me to change into. My outfit was fairly decent. I was wearing a pair of black leggings a shirt that said "I don't do mornings" and a red flannel with white converse.

"Sammy hurry up!" I yelled he was taking forever to style his hair.

"Babe I'll be down in a minute."

I walked back over to the living room knowing it will take longer. As I sat on the couch I noticed Matt in the kitchen.

"Morning Matthew." I said walking over.

"Hey Alex I was actually going to call you I thought you had left."

"Did you not just hear me yell to Sammy?"

"No not really. But anyway can I have my friends Sam Golbach and Colby Brock come for thanksgiving too?"

Wow those names sounded really familiar.

"Sure Matthew. The more the merrier."

"Okay good because I already told them they could."

I laughed and said bye as I walked back to the staircase hearing Sammy coming down them.

"Told you it would take a minute." He smirked.

"Sammy, it's been five minutes."

His smirked slowly faded as he truly believes he spent one minute doing his hair.

"But nice try babe. Maybe you should leave your hair natural for a day. It looks cute that way."

"No it doesn't. My hair is all over the place."

"Well I like it like that."

He smiled at my comment and we walked to the car. I got in the passenger side because Sammy wanted to drive so I let him. He grabbed my hand and left one of his on the steering wheel backing out of the driveway.

"Babe" Sammy turned to look at me for a second before turning back to look at the road.


"I love you so much." He said squeezing my hand gently.

"I love you too, and I'm excited to finally meet your parents. I hope they like me."

"They will love you I'm sure of it."

Dedicated to: perfectgirl101

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