Authors note

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Hey guys so this book will most likely end around chapter 50 and after that there will not be a sequel. I started writing another book though it's not published but when I finish all the drafts and can edit it to the point where I think you guys will like it I'll post it. This won't be a Magcon fanfic like the others but I think you will still appreciate it. It will probably be a 5sos or Kian Lawley fanfic I haven't chosen yet but I'm leaning towards 5sos. I feel that since I am going through this rough time it's easier to write and kinda make up a life where I'm happy even if I'm not. Granted I do have happy days but they feel artificial as if I'm trying to hard to fake it. But that's beside the point I just want you guys to know I won't be stopping my writing anytime soon but merely taking breaks. The breaks may be short or long but I will always come back. I will always update and I will always be here to listen to your guys comments. If you wish for me to update faster just simply tell me. I won't get annoyed with the constant 'update please' comments infact it motivates me. I love you all and I hope that if you have anything going on right now that you have someone to talk to. If not you can always drop by and message me.

Love Always

BaeCaniff xx

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