Chapter 10

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Alex's POV

"Ill help carry your boxes up. You have a lot." I said picking up a box. Immediately Dylan took it and replied,

"I don't want you hurting yourself some of my boxes are a bit heavy."

I picked up another box and smirked at him as I walked up the stairs.

We finished getting his room done in a few hours and none of the other boys have arrived yet which is pretty weird.

"I'm gonna go work on my room Dyl so if you need me you know where to find me."

"Why don't I help you I mean you helped me and it the least I can do."

"Okay, fine but after a while I want you to stop helping cause I want you to rest. We've been working for hours."

"Yeah WE so I'm helping you until you finish."


We opened the box label "bed" and scattered all the parts on my floor. It really a didn't take us long to put it together. And once we were done with my bed it didn't take us long at all to finish the rest of my room.

"Thanks Dylan" I smiled and gave him a hug.

"No problem do you wanna watch Netflix with me?"

"Sure, but how our Internet wont be up until tomorrow."

"I have a hotspot on my phone."

I followed him to his room so he could grab his laptop then we walked down stairs and sat on the couch. I pulled a blanket over our legs and he set the computer on top of it.

"Okay what do you want to watch." Dylan asked

"Lets watch a movie like... MONSTERS INC!".

"Okay." he laughed at my childish ways.

I was cuddled up into his side slowly falling asleep when the doorbell fucking rings like what the fuck. I was about to get up when Dylan realized how tired I was and told me not to move and that he would get the door. I just sank back down into the couch. And listened as my brother and his friends came through the door. Well this should be fun. They were so loud and I could hear everybody's voice except Dylan's I wonder where he went. Then I felt two strong arms pick me up and knew exactly who it was. I snuggled into his chest and he brought me upstairs to my room. He pulled the blankets back and put me under the covers. When he was about to walk away I grabbed his hand.

"Please stay and lay with me."

"Okay ba- Alex."

I moved over so he could climb in and we instantly cuddled together. I had the best night ever.

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