Chapter 40

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Alex's POV

A few hours later we were able to bring Matthew home. We were currently in the car. I sat in the passenger seat while Nash drove and Matthew was sprawled across the seat in the back sleeping.

We pulled up to our house and I helped Matthew out since he was still half asleep. We walked inside and saw all the glass shards still spread across the floor.

"Nash you bring Matthew to his room I'll clean this." I said grabbing the broom and vacuum.

"Alright but when I come back there better be more to clean so I don't feel bad for not helping." He chuckled.

"Whatever." I laughed grabbing the dust pan and gathering the big pieces of glass.

About ten minutes later Nash came back and grabbed the vacuum.

"Nash seriously you don't need to help." I tried grabbing the vacuum and failed.

"And neither do you. You have done so much for us just let me return the favor." He begged.

"Fine. But just this once."

I finished cleaning all of the bigger shards and Nash started vacuuming the smaller ones. I'll admit this was a lot easier with two people than if I were to do it by myself. When we both finished we emptied the vacuum and dustpan into the garbage then took the bag out.

I grabbed my computer on my way to the living room and sat down looking for new vases to replace the old. I really liked my old ones they were a gift from my friends back when I lived in Australia for a few months. I hope I can find some that look relatively close to the ones they got me. I would feel really bad if I told them they broke because my ex and best friend got in a fist fight.

I heard the door bell ring so I set my computer down and got up to answer it. I opened the door and saw two people who look vaguely familiar but I had no idea who they were. But the blonde was pretty cute.

"Um hi? Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Sam Golbach and this is Colby Brock. Matt invited us here. Who are you?" Sam asked.

"I'm Alex Lawley, Matthew's friend."

"Oh my bad. Matthew has told us about you and how you bought this house and live with him and a ton of other people." Sam confessed.

"So does your friend not talk?" I asked pointing to Colby.

"Um no he's actually very talkative this is weird. He might be intimidated by such a gorgeous girl."

"Okay well um thank you, come in Matthew is in his room we just got back from the hospital an hour ago. He should be awake though."

They walked inside and followed me to Matthew's room. They walked in and asked where to put their bags. I gladly took them and told them we had an extra room since my ex boyfriend and his parents aren't staying anymore. They gave me a confused look and brushed it off soon after.

This is going to be a long week.

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