Chapter 5

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Alex's POV

It is officially my birthday!
I am so excited especially since Kian said him and his friends are coming and let me tell you half the list of my invites were his friends.

*ding* *ding* *ding*

I walked to my front door and let in my guests.

"Kian!" I squealed I missed him even though its been like 3 days.

"Alex! These are my friends I assume you know there names since you invited them. How about a quiz?" Kian suggested

"You're on!"Kian pointed to his friends as I named them off.

"Dylan. Trevor. Connor. Ricky. Sam. Jc. Jack Baran. Jenn. Alexa. Luke. Matt. Nash. Lauren. Etc."

"Good job didn't think you could do it." Kian nudged.

"Uh Kian you said we were going to your friends party but you didn't say your friend was Alex Lawley!" Ricky screamed.

I blushed and we all went downstairs to my game room.

"So why are you having a party?" Kian asked me.

"Oh well today is my birthday I'm officially 19."

"Really me too!"

"Happy birthday!" we both said in unison.

We all sat down on my couch and all played video games switching off at the controls. I'm happy my mom agreed to a few guests of my choice. Otherwise I wouldn't have met so many cool people and I'm really hoping I hangout with them more.

Near the end of the night people continuously left my house until it was just me and Kian.

"So Kian tell me more about yourself." I said walking side by side with him.

"Well I'm 19 I love penny boarding and my mom told me when I was little there was something missing in my life and now I try to live my life to the fullest." He spilled.

"Did you ever find that something missing?"

"No but she said it was more of a who than what which makes it harder with 7 billion people in the world."

"Maybe I can help lets go to your house right now."

We turned around and walked to his car. To my surprise Kian lives 3 minutes away from me.

"Mom!" Kian shouted throughout his house.

"Yes Kian." she shouted back.

"I have a guest wanting to help find my something missing."

After he finished his sentence you could hear his mom pick up the pace of her walking. When she was finally in front if me she smiled big.

"Hi I'm Mrs.Lawley. And you are?"she shook my hand.

"Oh uh I'm Alex Lawley." I blushed at the identical last names.

"Excuse me what did you just say?" she sounded startled and almost excited at the same time.

"My name is Alex Lawley."

She put a hand to her mouth and began to cry. They were not tears of sadness but tears of joy.

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