Chapter 32

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Alex's POV

Today Sammy and I are going in to see the ultrasound of our baby. Awhile back they asked if we wanted to know the gender. We both said no because we thought it would be fun to have a surprise of course that would mean no planning ahead by getting clothes and painting one of the bedrooms but that's  okay. I am just so happy I got Sammy staying by my side.

"Scared babe?" Sammy asked.

"Kinda I mean what if they mix it up I mean our baby. What if they already did and supposedly we could be having twins. I don't know. I just think about that." I rambled

"Listen if we are having more than one baby that just means we have a bigger family and there's no bad to that."

"I guess. Promise you'll stay with me."

"Alex you're still thinking about that? You're the most beautiful, wonderful, and kindhearted person I know. I'll never leave you and you can't get rid of me."

I smiled it made me feel good when he says stuff like that. Just after our conversation ended the doctor came out and called us. We followed him all the way down the hallway to a little room with the ultrasound equipment. I seriously think they could have messed up. I don't think there is just one baby in my stomach. I've never actually looked at the ultrasound. So I could never know until well I'm due.
This is so nerve racking. I love but hate this. Mainly love I've always wanted a family and it may be early but I'm getting one and I'm so grateful for all of this.

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