Chapter 13

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Alex's POV

So I kinda jinxed the whole perfect day thing. So earlier after the food court this dude kept hitting on me and wouldn't leave me alone so Matt and Dylan stepped in to get him to back off and it turned into a fist fight Matt and Dylan got hurt badly. So I had to help them to the car and we drove home so I could help them clean their wounds. I felt really bad about this because it was my fault.

We got home and I started with Matt since Dylan said he could go first. I think it was a little weird because Dylan is in way worse condition than Matt. Matt had a few bruises and a busted lip. While Dylan had a black eye, bruised stomach, a few cuts on his leg and a busted lip.

"I'm really sorry this happened guys it was all my fault." I apologized.

"Not it wasn't. I would do that whole thing over again if it meant you're out of danger." Dylan said sincerely.

"Yeah me too you're like a sister to me." Matt said.

"Awe you guys are so sweet." I gushed.

When our conversation was over I finished cleaning Matt's wounds and moved on to Dylan. I dabbed the wet towel and he hissed in pain then grabbed my hand signifying me to stop. He blushed and let go letting me continue to help him.

"Alex can I ask you something?" Dylan question.

"Anything." I looked up into his eyes.

"We've been hanging out and it's so much fun spending time with you. I know I look really bad right now but, will you be my girlfriend?"Dylan scratched the back of his head nervously waiting for my answer.

"I would love that."

I grabbed him and pulled him in for a hug forgetting about the wounds. I pulled back and said sorry.

"Sorry I..." I was stuck in a trance, lost in his eyes.

"It's okay." he pulled me in, but not for a hug.

He pressed his soft lips against mine and I quickly kissed back. The kiss didn't last that long only a few seconds. We pulled apart and I smiled. I finish cleaning his wounds and got him an ice pack for his black eye.

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