Chapter 37

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Sammy's POV

Dinner time! I was physically and mentally not prepared. If they like Alex that will be a first in forever but I know my parents. I just don't want to hurt her. She means the world to me and she's due in a couple of months. I don't want her to be a single mom if she doesn't have to be.

"Honey are you ready to leave?" My mom asked catching my attention.

"Um yeah I think. Where are are we going?" I wondered as I got in the drivers seat.

"The steakhouse just outside of town." My dad said.

I started driving and tried to tune out my parents conversations by turning up the music.

The car ride was like any other. All they did was complain about the music I listen to. All they listen to is classical so rap isn't really something they are fond of.

We walked into the restaurant and sat down. The place wasn't packed yet so the service was pretty fast. We ordered our food and drinks and as we waited the questions from my mother started coming.

"So honey how long have you known this Alex girl?"

"About three months mom."

"What does she do?"

"She models and acts."

Then the 'confession' came.

"She's pretty and nice but I don't like her."

"Of course you don't mom! This isn't about you!"

"Samuel that's no way to speak to your mother."

"I'm sorry." I put my head down and knew I had to. There was no way out of this situation I'm not going to disobey my parents.

"You will breakup with her immediately and we will have a proper thanksgiving at your house."

"Yes mom." My eyes started to well up but I hurried to blink them away.

"Honey we do this for your own good. We love you and want you to have a nice successful family."

I pushed out my chair and got up walking to the bathroom. When I got in there I pulled out my phone looking for Alex's number.

(S=Sammy A=Alex)

S- Alex this isn't working. I'm breaking up with you.

A- What? Stop joking around.

S- I'm not joking. We're done.

A- I knew I wasn't good enough for you...

That broke my heart. She was more that enough. Matt is going to kill me for breaking up with her over text. But there was no way I could do it in person.

Alex's POV

My phone beeped signaling I had a text message. I saw it was from Sammy and smiled he must be bored at dinner. I unlocked my phone and went into messages. I didn't know what to do.

S- Alex this isn't working. I'm breaking up with you.

I kept reading the message over and over as if it would some how change but it wasn't changing. So I replied in denial of what he had just done.

A- What? Stop joking around.

He immediately responded.

S- I'm not joking. We're done.

A- I knew I wasn't good enough for you...

Was all I said before throwing my phone at the wall watching it shatter to the ground. I didn't care I got that phone last week I was to heartbroken. I heard footsteps rushing up the stairs. Probably Matt since he is the only person home right now.

"Alex are you okay? I heard a loud noise an-"

He stopped talking and looked at the shards of glass on the ground and the broken mess in front of him. I didn't care that he was watching me cry right now I needed him.

"What's wrong baby girl?" He asked me and he pulled me into his warm embrace.

"Sammy h-he uh he bro-broke up with me." I cried in his shoulder.

"Shh it'll be okay. You're beautiful and we are having a ton of people over on thanksgiving which is in a few days. I'm sure you will find someone at the party who will love you and your baby." He said soothingly

"You think so?" I looked into his eyes to see if he was telling truth; while staring back in mine he answered a simple yes.

"I love you Matthew thank you for everything."

"I love you too. Now wipe away those tear we are going out."

He reached out for my hand and I walked into my bathroom re-doing the little makeup I had on.

I met Matthew down stairs and grabbed my purse but he took it from me. I gave him a confused look as he set it down.

"Whatever we get is on me tonight."

"Thank you Matthew."

We walked out and made our way the mall. Tonight has been a roller coaster ride but I'm glad Matthew and I are hanging out. It's been awhile

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