Chapter 21

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Alex's POV

It's been fifteen minutes so I went up to check the tests and the all day positive. I started tearing up not knowing what's gonna happen next. Like if I tell Sammy and he leaves me. Or tell anyone for that matter and they think I'm a slut. Jenn walked in and saw the tests.

"Hey don't cry it's a good thing you are a soon-to-be mother." she smiled.

"What if I tell Sammy and he leaves me." I cry harder.

"He won't and if he does I will personally beat the crap out if him."

"Thanks Jenn"

I walked downstairs with Jenn and texted Sammy to come over. He said fine I'll just have to wait a bit since he is at the recording studio working on new music. I told him it was okay and that it was no rush. When in reality I would rather rush and get it over with then sit here anticipating what is going to happen when I tell him. But I guess I have to wait.

It's been about an hour til Sammy said he would be over soon. It's driving me crazy. I wanted to call him but Jenn said no and that he would e here soon. I'm getting so bored I just want to get it over with. Then the door bell rang I shot up and ran to the door opening it. It was just Kian.

"Oh it's just you." I said walking back to the couch.

"Wow. No, Hey big brother I haven't seen you in a few days I missed you?" He laughed.

"Sorry Kian I'm just waiting for Sammy I called him and he said he would be here soon but it's been an hour."

"Oh I'm sorry baby sis. maybe try calling him once more. Maybe something is wrong."

I hugged Kian and went to my room to get my phone. I dialed Sammy's number and waited for him to pick up.

It went straight to voicemail I tried a few more times and still no answer. What if he's not okay?

I decided to call Johnson he always answers me. A few rings later he answered.


"Hey uh Johnson is Sammy okay I've been calling him and he hasn't been answering. I'm really worried."

"You haven't heard?"

"Haven't heard what?"

"He was driving and got in an accident at the intersection near your house."

"Oh my God is he okay?"

"Yeah just minor concussion and slight memory loss."

"What! I'm on my way."

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