Chapter 2

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Alex's POV

I ran up to my car and drove back to my house. Any chance I have free time I'm going to put on a nice pair of sweatpants with a band-tee and my hair in a bun. I grabbed my MacBook and threw myself on the couch. I was about to do some major stalking. I typed in the name 'Kian' to my google search bar and saw
Kian and Andrea breakup
Kian Lawley
Kian and Sam
Kian Lawley age
Kian Lawley fanfiction
And so on and so forth. I clicked on Kian Lawley and saw thousands of pictures come up and a YouTube channel so I clicked on it. It was him with some guy named Jc. They were waxing each other for... fun? There were little things I noticed Kian do that we're the same as me but anyone could do these things. They aren't uncommon I mean they are just little twitches or sounds anyone can make. But I can't help but see he looks so incredibly familiar. But whatever I shouldn't be focused on this boy I should be focused on my birthday. My mother is throwing a huge party. My birthday is September 2nd and right now its August 25th so we need to get planning for the big 19. I can't believe in a year I will be twenty. I mean WOW.
I called Emma and Jennie and told them to come over quick so we can plan my birthday. Unfortunately it won't be all my friends going but mainly people who want to offer me modeling gigs cause that's all my mom cares about. She always wants me to be busy at photo shoots or walking down the runway with the latest fashion. But I am 18 turning 19 I should be able to do things my way. That's what I get for having a part time momager I guess.
A couple minutes later I heard the door open and two short blonde girls walk into the room.
"Hey! Let's get this party started!" yelled Jennie walking in the room I got up and gave them both a hug and then we sat down.
"So who is invited to you party?"Emma asked
"Oh ya know almost every editor ever," I sighed,"I kinda want this party to have more friends and maybe even some people I don't know like Selena Gomez! or Bea Miller! that's all I'm saying."
"Okay first calm down and second your mom will never let that happen." Jennie said.
"Yeah I guess you're right but I just wanna do things my own way."
I sank back down in the couch. All I want is for something to go the way I want it not my moms way.

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