Chapter 27

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Alex's POV

I have been waiting for ten minutes wondering if someone was in my house when all of the sudden the lights turn on and Kian jumps out from behind the couch with some of the boys following after. By now I was crying I genuinely thought I was going to die with my baby tonight. The guys realized I was crying and come over to comfort me they always prank me and most of the time it gets really frustrating. Like right now. Why did the have to do that I was put through so much stress right now and that's not good for my kid.

I decided I would just leave... or at least leave the room I don't feel like driving with tears blurring my vision. I walked up to my room and closed my door locking it in the process. They need to learn I don't take pranks like that lightly. They have done pranks where they made me believe somebody got arrested or kidnapped and they have done them so often that one day if it really happens I'm not going to believe them. And they are going to regret it.

"Look Alex we are sorry." I heard a voice say outside my door followed by knocking.

"Please let me in baby." the voice said again.

By then I knew it was Sammy but I knew all the others might be standing at the door too so if I open it to let Sammy I they might all barge in.

"Are the others with you?"



I got up and opened the door for him and just like he said the others weren't there.

"Sammy what would you do if I even got pregnant while we were dating?"

"Hope for a boy so I can tech him how to treat a lady right."

I smiled that was the cutest thing I've ever heard.

"So you would want to to stay with me if I were pregnant and help me?"

"Of course."

"What if I told you in pregnant right here right now?"

I figures right now is the perfect time to tell him.

"Honestly I would...

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