Chapter 15

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Alex's POV

"Where are you taking me?" Dylan continuously asked as I kept driving.

"I'm not telling its a surprise." I said as reached down and intertwined mine and his hands.

"Can I at least have a clue?" He whined

"No" I giggled

He made a pouty face and sunk down in his seat. I knew that if I looked at him I would cave so I just kept my eyes on the road.

At the mini golf course

I got out of the car and let go of Dylan's hand. He walked over and reconnected our hands.

"I hope you like mini golf." I said as we walked up to the desk to get our clubs and golf balls.

"I love mini golf." he smiled and wrapped his arms around me.

I leaned into him and acted as if I was about to kiss him and then pulled away. He got a little frustrated by my actions.

"Hey! No teasing."

I laughed and grabbed our clubs and golf balls and ran to the first hole.

He walked over and grabbed his club and golf ball from me.

"Now if I get a hole in one you have to give me a kiss." Dylan said

"If you get a hole in one on any of these I will give you kiss each time and bake you a cake." I said thinking he would get it.
But he made it. A hole in one.
I gave him a quick kiss then continued to my turn. I missed the hole by a few inches. Dylan laughed and I playfully hit his arm. If mini golf is so much fun I wonder how the rest of the date will go.

Skip to beach

"Thank you for everything today Alex. You really didn't have to." He took my hand as we walked along the shore.

"Hey the day isn't over yet there is still one thing left." I smiled and brought him up a hill where a blanket was and a picnic basket.

"You set up a picnic?" he looked astonished.

"Yeah I hope you like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches." I said as I started pulling food out of the basket.

As was taking everything out Dylan grabbed my hands and stopped me from what I was doing. He slowly leaned in and kissed me. We kissed for a few seconds then went back to what we were doing.

"So I was planning a movie night when we go home and we can snuggle. You can sleep in my room tonight or whatever you want to do." I blushed.

"I would love nothing more." He smiled and took a bite of his sandwich.

"Oh I also brought our favorite." I lifted a box and took of the lid revealing the chocolate strawberries.

He grabbed some and smiled at me. When there was only one left he asked me if I wanted it and told him he could have it. He then tried to convince me that I will miss out on the best strawberry ever so I took a bite and he finished it.

This night when by so perfectly I can't wait for our second date.

Dedicated to: @lauraflores11

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