Chapter 45

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•April 18th 2016•
Alex's POV

I wish I could say everything gets better, but I can't. I can for sure tell you most things get better but not everything. Today something happened and I thought I was over it. Believe me I was over it but it came back as if it was waiting for me to be better just to bring me down again. If you haven't figured out what happened yet I'll tell you. Today at 3:48pm Sammy Wilkinson showed up at my doorstep. It's been almost five months since I've seen him and now he decides the show up.

Because of him I was in pain. Because of him I thought I would never be loved. Because of him I doubted myself. Because of him I tried shutting people out. Because of him I'm carrying a constant reminder of our past. Yeah I once thought I was in love with him but he only clouded my vision long enough for me to miss the obvious person I needed in my my life.


Matthew picked me up when I fell and broke into a million pieces. Matthew showed me what love really feels like and continues to do so to this day. I love him. And for Sammy to show up and tell me things that I didn't ever want or need to hear from him it hurt. He's messing with my head and I can't take it anymore.

•early that day•

I was cooking lunch for everyone when I heard a knock on the door. I was a little confused because everyone who lives here has a key and I don't recall inviting anyone over. I walked over to the door and looked out the side window. Why was he here? Did he not break me enough? I opened the door and greeted Sammy with a glare so hateful and yet so deserving of him.

"Why are you here Samuel?" I talked with disgust.

"What no Sammy?" He joked "Too soon?"

"Ya think?"

"I was wrong to ever leave you and I need you in my life." He paused the tried stepping closer but I pushed him away," I though we could give us a chance again." He smiled

"You think you can come here and apologize and everything will be fine!?" I was beyond angry. He doesn't talk to me for five months and now he thinks I'm going to leap into his arms just like that.

"Well yeah"

"Well you're wrong way wrong. I have a boyfriend who actually loves me. I don't need you or your pathetic apology."

"Can I at least be in the baby's life?"

"I'll think about it."

With that being said I slammed the door and slid down the back of it and cried my eyes out. I know the boys are still here and they probably heard everything that just happened but I don't care. Sammy deserved everything I said. I don't think I can ever forgive him.

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