Chapter 17

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Alex's POV

I was really happy that I met Matt's friends since the only people I really know are the people that live with us. And it was refreshing to see new faces. I would have to say that if I wasn't dating Dylan I would be all over Sammy. He's so cute and funny and super nice. But so is Dylan. I'm sure Dylan and I will last awhile cause he doesn't seem like a guy to cheat. At least I don't think he would.

The whole car ride how I kept thinking if Dylan would be the guy to cheat and it was really bothering me I really like him and if he cheats I'll be crushed. Apparently Matt noticed that something was bothering me and asked. I just replied a simple,

"It's nothing I'm fine."

"We both know its not nothing so what is on your mind."

"I keep thinking about Dylan and if he would ever cheat on me."

"Only time will tell."

We arrived at home and walked in the door. There sat Dylan with a slut on his lap making out.

"I guess time just told us." I said with a tear escaping my eye.

I'm so sorry I ever liked him. Never again will I make that mistake. He was a mistake. I knew it was to perfect. I should've listened to my instincts telling me something was wrong. I ran upstairs not caring if Dylan heard and closed an locked my door. I jumped on to my bed and immediately began bawling my eyes out. How could I have been so stupid. I heard a knock on my door and stayed silent.

"Alex will you open the door. It's Matthew."

I walked to the door and he gave me a big hug. This is why I need Matthew on my life he know how to make me feel better when I feel dead. I smiled as we parted from our hug and grabbed his hand.

"Where are we going?" he asked me as I led him to the door.

"To visit Jack, Jack, Sammy, and Madison." I answered in a 'duh' tone.

"But we were just there."


"Alright I'll grab the keys."

Matthew walked to the kitchen grabbing the keys and walked back to the door grabbing his shoes in the process. I can't wait to see them again even if it was and hour ago.

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