Chapter 6

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Alex's POV

As Mrs.Lawley cried Kian and I looked at each other.

"Uh mom why are you crying?" Kian asked his curiosity showing.

"It's just you've have brought home the most precious thing in the world." She cried.

I blushed as she started a story.

"Kian when you were born 5 minutes later you had a twin sister born too. Your father decided to put her up for adoption since we already had a pretty large family. I never wanted to give up that little girl I'm just glad that you've found her." She smiled at me.

"Wait so I'm your... and he's my... then I'm part... What?" I stumbled trying to process everything.

"But how could this be I'm sure there are other Alex Lawleys in the world I can't be the only one."

"Haven't you ever wondered why your mom and dad have different last names than you?"

I sat down on their couch and thought yeah I did think it was weird my last name is Lawley and theirs is Jones but why would they keep my last name of my biological family. I need to go home and talk to my mom or at least try and talk I'm about to blow fumes.

"I'll see you later mom."

I have another mom I need to yell at. I'm 19 now and I am going to demand she never comes near me again. She always avoided when I asked about my name or why I don't look like her or my father. I mean one day I was bound to figure out from her right? No wrong! She always keeps things from me.

I'm going to make sure she never gets anything again. I'm going to fire her from being my momager and then stop paying the bills at her house. I'm moving out if mine ASAP. Oooooo I should get a house with Kian! then I can hangout with him and his friends more often. Plus he has this one friend that is super cute. His name is Dylan Dazaut and let me tell you he is mighty fine. But that is off subject.

I ran up my driveway and barged in my door. As usual my mom was sitting in the couch watching real house wives.

"MOM WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Honey calm down what happened." she walked over to me about to touch my shoulder when I slapped her hand away.


"Sweetheart don't be irration-"

"I AM NOT BEING IRRATIONAL AND I NEVER WANT YOU ANYWHERE NEAR ME EVER AGAIN STAY OUT OF MY LIFE!" I pushed her out of my house and right before I closed the door said ,

"I hope you like it when I don't pay your bills. oh and you're fired."

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