Chapter 43

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Christmas Day

Alex's POV

"Hey Alex."

"Alex wake up."


I groaned as I opened my eyes to see Matthew Kian and Nash all standing over me then looked behind them to see Sam and Jc standing in the doorway.

"Why did you wake me up?" I asked burying my head back into my pillow.

"Because it's Christmas silly. So get up or I will carry you down stairs." Matthew said poking my sides.

I rolled my eyes then flipped the covers of my body. I spun my legs so I was sitting up and walked to the door and down the stairs. I turned around waiting for the guys to walk in the living room with me. We all grabbed the gifts we bought for each other and handed them out then sat down. I of course grabbed a blanket and threw it over myself and Matthew laying down in the process.

"Who wants to open their gifts first?" I asked

"How about we all open them at the same time. Like let's pick a person and open their gifts to us first." Sam suggested

"Okay then who would like their gifts to be opened first?" Kian asked before I had the chance.

"Let's go clockwise? So the order will be Alex, Nash, Kian, Jc, Sam, then me." Matthew added.

"I like that idea" I smiled and looked up at him.

We went around opening up each others gifts but when we got to Matthew's I noticed that I didn't get one. Of course I didn't say anything because I have everything I could have ever wanted right in front of me. But I couldn't help but feel a little broken hearted. I mean the guy I like got everyone but me something for Christmas. Once they finished they all vanished to different parts of the house besides Matthew. Instead he got up went  to the tree and came back. There was a little box in his hand and it looked like it would hold some form of jewelry. I sat up as Matthew has instructed me to and looked at him as he took my hands with his free one. I felt like my heart just dropped I have no idea what's going on and this, well this isn't helping at all.

"Matthew.... what are you doing?"  I asked, my voice shaking a bit in worry.

"Well you see... I kinda.... I mean we-ugh I don't know how to say this but.....

Woah cliffhanger haven't done this in awhile.

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