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Alex's POV
•7 years later•

I'm going to call Kian, (Alex's kid) Kian and his uncle KiKi.

"Kian can you get the door I think your Uncles are here!" I yelled across the house to Kian. I would get the door myself usually but I couldn't since I was cooking dinner.

"Mom! Daddy and Uncle KiKi are here." My little boy said as Kian walked in with his 'mini-me' on his shoulder.

"Hey sis." He smiled and put Kian down to go play with Brooklyn.

"Hey KiKi and Matthew." I smiled and half hugged KiKi trying not to touch him since my hands were dirty.

"What no kiss?" Matthew laughed and gave me a peck on the cheek.

"I see you every morning calm down babe." I giggled at his child-like self.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" KiKi asked grabbing a water from the fridge.

"Well we are having dinner with the rest of the boys and our mom. Then taking the kids to a trampoline park. After that we might drop them off at Sammy's since it is their birthday and he hasn't seen them for awhile."

"I think it's good you try to keep them close." Kian smiled at me but I watched as Matt got disappointed

"Matt you will always be their dad even if it isn't biological. They love you and you love them." I smiled at him

"Thanks but that might not always be true." He frowned

"Alright let's just celebrate and keep happy vibes." KiKi suggested.


I walked to the toy room after putting dinner in the oven then led Brooklyn and Kian over to the table so they could open their presents. After they were done we ate dinner then they had to say goodbye to some of their family that had to leave early.

I then told the kids and their friends that they could play outside again while I prepare the cake.

"Do you need any help?" Matthew asked me as he walked inside from the backyard.

"Um no I think I'm good. Thank you though."

"Look I'm sorry about earlier I just feel like the kids won't treat me the same one day. They are going to ask why they have two dads and pick Sammy over me."

"You know that's not going to happen you're a way better dad. Sammy doesn't even know how old they are." I chuckled

Matt sighed and continued watching as I finished frosting the cake. I then out the candles on it and set it on the table. All that was left to do was get plates and the kids. I walked outside and called everyone in for cake. There wasn't many people left unfortunately but I'm sure they kids were happy with the guests that could still be here.

Once Kian and Brooklyn got in their chairs we sang to them and passed around cake. I was so genuinely happy in this moment. I wasn't running around trying to make everything perfect, I was just sitting at the table eating cake with my kids, my wonderful fiancé, and all my friends I considered family. This is a picture perfect moment and I'm happy to have lived it. I can't wait for the future and I don't regret the past.

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