Chapter 39

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Alex's POV

The ambulance came and took Matthew to the hospital. I hope he is okay. I grabbed my keys off the table and followed the ambulance. I called Nash to come meet me at the hospital and he rushed over. I cried sitting there in the waiting room.

20 minutes have passed and still no word. I looked up from my tear covered palms and saw Nash. He walked out of the elevator and over to me pulling me into his embrace.

"Is he okay?" He asked me which almost made me lose it but I tried to keep some composure.

"I don't know...Nash I haven't heard a thing."

"Oh... Alex I'm sure he will be okay Matt is strong."

"Apparently not as strong as Sammy." I mumbled

"Wait Sammy did this?"


I looked down another tear sliding down my cheek.

"Family of Matthew Espinosa?" A doctor came out.

Nash and I both stood up and waited for the doctor to tell us what was going on.

"So Mr. Espinosa needed a few stitches which have been all taken care of, they should disintegrate in a week. Mr. Espinosa also has a minor concussion."

"Did he lose any memory?" I asked not wanting to go through that again.

"No he has a perfect memory."

I let out a breath and we walked with the doctor to go see Matthew. Nash and I walked in as the doctor left us our space.

"Hey Matt." I said softly walking over to the chair next to him, and sitting down.

"Hey Alex I'm sorry. I knew he was stronger than me but I was just so mad that he hurt you. I just wasn't thinking." He rambled putting his head down.

"Matt you shouldn't be sorry. You should have calmed down before letting your fists do all the thinking." I giggled.

Nash then walked over and we all just talked as if nothing was wrong and we were just sitting at home on our sofa. I'm so happy Matthew is okay I don't know what I would've done if he wasn't.

Guys I'm sorry for not uploading lately I've just been having a really hard patch in my life and I have no one to talk to so I have been holding in all my feeling which is very unhealthy. So I guess I'm kinda going to tell you what happened. My best friend is/was a guy (we aren't really friends atm) and we liked each other so we had a 'thing' it wasn't like official or anything and while we were so called dating he would flirt with other girls then there was rumor that went around about me and him and that got me mad because people said he started it. So me being the over emotional person I am I didn't give him a chance to explain I kinda just spaced myself from him for a few days then he tried to talk to me and denied everything even the stuff I knew was true. Now it's a month later from when that happened and he has a new girlfriend who is a complete slut and dated my brother. He won't talk to me and he won't even make eye contact with me. He was the only person I could talk to about anything and now I can't talk to him because he won't give me the time of day. He's the only person who could make me happy 24/7 and now I don't have a source of happiness. I've been depressed for the past month. I've tried talking to him for the past few days just trying to become friends again but all I get is the read show at the bottom of the messages with no reply. All I want is to be happy but he was my happiness and I don't know what to do anymore.

Sorry again and sorry if you read all of that I'm sure you really didn't care that much. Love you all
xx BaeCaniff.

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