Chapter 36

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Sammy's POV

Alex and I are currently waiting for my parents to walk out the airport doors. She has been really nervous to meet them, I told her should would be fine but I lied. My parents have made me breakup with all my past girlfriends saying they weren't my type. That I needed to date someone with a real goal. Not just a 'live in the moment' type of person but that's who I am. That's what I'm attracted to. I love Alex but my parents might make us split up. I watched as my stuck up parents walked out of the airport. I was dreading this. Having to possibly breakup with Alex is going to be the hardest thing I'll ever have to do especially since she is carrying our baby. But family is my everything and I don't want to lose them because I wouldn't end a relationship with someone.

"Hey sweetie! Oh and you must be Alex pleasure to meet you." My mom smiled.

"Nice to meet to you too Mr and Mrs. Wilkinson." Alex shook both their hands.

"We have heard many nice things about you Alex." My dad said with emphasis on the word nice.

"Sammy tonight Your father and I are going to dinner we would like you to come with so we could catch up." My mother smiled her fake smile and I knew she was going to talk about Alex. I sighed


The rest of the car ride was silent and I was silently practicing my breakup with Alex. I promised her I would never leave. She's is going to hate me. I'll never get her back, she can have any guy and she chose me now I'm going to have to breakup with her and I'll never share all the amazing experiences that are to come. All I will be left are our memories like when we went to the beach or when we went and got froyo.

We arrived at Alex's house and my parents looked amazed. I showed my parents their room for the few days they are staying. I have a feeling they would much rather stay at my place because they know where everything is but if it comes down to it I'll have to stay at my house with them.

I walked back down stairs and saw Kian and Jc making a video for their collab channel. And Matthew watching tv. I walked over to where Matt was and sat on the couch. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and Matt paused the tv then looked back at me.

"Dude what's wrong." Matt asked

"My parents have hated all my girlfriends in the past for not having 'realistic' dreams and have made me stop seeing all of them. I'm afraid that it's going to happen again." I spilled.

"Then why did you invite them here? It seems like you knew what you were getting yourself into man."

"BULLSHIT!" I yelled getting angry.

I knew Matt was right but I didn't want to admit it I just thought this time would be different even though she is like every girl I ever dated.

"C'mon man admit it you knew."

" You're right okay!? Are you happy now? I just don't want to break her heart."

"Bro your parents haven't said anything to you yet. You could be able to keep her and your parents accept her."

"I guess you're right. I have to go to dinner with them so I guess I'll find out then."

"The sooner you go to dinner the sooner you find out. But bro if they tell you to break up with her you and your parents are not spending the night here. And if you hurt her in any way I will pound you."

I really hope they say I can continue dating Alex. I love her and don't want to get beat up by Matt. He can be very scary when he wants to be.

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